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"Lay her on the bed please" the midwife asks. Malcom lays Ariana on the bed and Ariana pulls up her top as the midwife brings in an ultrasound.

Thor midwife checks Ariana over. "Miss Grande we need to get you up to theatre" the midwife gives them a saddened smile. "Please can you get into the gown" the midwife leaves the gown.

"Why does she need to go to theatre" Ava asks "the baby has a weakened heart beat and if get the baby out it has a higher risk of survival" the nurse says as the midwife leaves the room.

"Come on Baby" Malcom helps Ariana up. Ariana was still in shock from what had happened at home let alone this. Malcom put on Ariana's gown and called the midwife back in. "One if you is aloud in" then midwife says "it's me" Malcom says and she nods.

Malcom hands Ava some money and she nods. As he follows Ariana. "Malcom we need you to focus on Ariana while we do this Okay" the surgeon says and he nods.

Malcom leans down and pecks her lips and wipes under her eyes. "I'm sorry" Ariana muffles "don't be sorry" Malcom strokes her check. "Please don't blame Hudson if we do" Ariana says as tears runs down her face "why" Malcom asks "because I haven't felt movement in 2 days and I was scared to tell you" Ariana pouts "it's okay" Malcom tells her.

As bad as it sounds, Malcom wasn't really bothered about the baby at this moment in time, his wife was in distress and she needed him to be strong to help her.

Malcom whispers sweet nothings into Ariana's ear trying to calm her down. "Why did he come in" Ariana asks "because he said is he walked in on us you would stop walking in on them" Malcom sighs "I even warned him not to" Malcom sighs "you knew" Ariana says.

"Miss Grande Calm down" the surgeon Says "Can Everton stop calling me Miss Grande. I'm Mrs McCormick" Ariana huffs "we're sorry" the nurse says.

Malcom holds Ariana's hand as she looks at him. Malcom saw everyone rush over to the the side with their baby.

Everyone was working the best they could, until the baby cried. Their baby girl was rushed to intensive care. While they finished working on Ariana, the baby was hooked up to a love support machine to help with her breathing.

Ariana was taken back to the room they were first put in. "Go sleep lil one" Malcom kisses Ariana's forehead. "Stop calling me lil one" Ariana pouts making Malcom chuckle. He gently pecks her lips before she closed her eyes and went to sleep.

Malcom went to see if Ava was okay. "Ava" Malcom asks pulling her into a hug "what's the matter" Malcom asks her "Hudson" she sobs "what's he done" Malcom asks rubbing her back "he hates me" Ava sobs.

Ava pulls out her phone and shows Malcom the message. "Ava sweetheart" Malcom holds her. "Why's he being so horrible" Ava asks "he's upset okay Ava" Malcom tells her.

"He's says he doesn't want me in the house anymore" she sobs "well it's me and Ariana decided who goes and who stays and you moved in with us so your staying" Malcom says calming down the hysterical 14 year old girl.

"Is the baby okay" Ava asks "we heard a cry then it was taken to intensive care" Malcom tells her and she nods. "Ava, Hudson just upset because you came with me and Ariana here instead of him" Malcom walks her back to where Ariana was.

Ariana woke up confused as she sees Malcom comforting Ava. "What happened" Ariana asks "Ariana" Ava gives her a hug. "Hudson basically kicked her out" Malcom sighs "you what" Ariana asks. Ava showed Ariana the message "oh sweetheart" Ariana holds the girl she family.

"You haven't taken the role of me and his mum away Ava. I love him so much even after what he did" Ariana says "but he hates Me" Ava sobs into Ariana's chest "he's angry he's just lashing out. He's probably realised what he has done and he's upset" Ariana tells her holding her close.

Ava might not be her daughter but see saw her as one. She had been part of the family since she was 7 as Hudson friend.

"Wait" Ava gasps pulling herself out of Ariana's chest. "He said I had been kicked out, that means he's keeping Mia" Ava says "we wouldn't let that happen don't worry. Your staying anyway. Even though Mia is our grandchild we would never allow him to take her from you" Ariana tells her knowing how it's feels to get your baby taken from you.

"I'm going toilet" Malcom says and Ariana nods. "I would be sad to see you go" Ariana giggles "really" Ava asks "yes" Ariana giggles kissing her check as Ariana turns on the hospital tv.

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