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After calming Ella down everyone started to come and take their seats. The more the time went on the more nervous that Ariana got. She was nervous that Ella would get too upset and not be able to finish but she could understand why she was upset.

She was nervous for Malcom and way could potentially happen and what could happen to Sophia and Sophia's family.

"Hi Karen" Ariana shuffles up a little "is she asleep" Karen asks pointing to Ella "no she's just scared so she's staying into my chest" Ariana explains and Karen nods. "Hi mum" Ariana smiles "hi baby girl" Joan smiles "did dad not want to come" Ariana asks "he was getting a bottle of water" Joan chuckles as he walks in making Ariana smile.

"Please rise." Everyone rises "This trial is now in session. Everything that is spoken in this session will and used to prove wether these two defendants are not guilty or guilty" the judge announces.

Malcom and Rob are brought in and Malcom looks up to Ariana who is trying to calm her daughter down as much as possible. She knew she couldn't make her happy and be all smiley but she needed to calm her down a little.

"Ariana your needed" he officer says. Ariana nods handing Ella to Karen and Joan help calm her down.

"Remember your honour" he reminds her "I will" Ariana tells him sort-in our her appearance and waiting till she had to go on.

"Malcom McCormick please stand" the judge announces in which Malcom does instantly. "You assaulted Mr Rob swings because he hurt your daughter is that right" he asks him "yes your honour" Malcom replies

"lets see what a witness has to say" he asks as a lady called Zoe come on. "Can you explain what you saw that night that Malcom assaulted Mr Rob Swings" he asks Zoe "he's your honour, I was walking my little girl home after her being at her friend and I heard this cry of his partner asking him to stop. He was punching and hitting Rob because he had hurt his daughter" Zoe explains "would you say that Malcom's actions were necessary" one of the jury asks "I don't think that his actions was needed but I can also understand why he reacted that way" she explains "Can you state what you mean by you understand" he asks. "Any farther tries to protect their children. When it comes to girls and boys a farther always want to keep their daughter from harm and to find out that they have been hurt the farther wants to hurt the person that her their child" she explains. "Thank you, You May sit down" the judge says "thank you your honour" Zoe replies going and taking her seat.

"Our next witness is his wife" the judge says as Ariana walks in. "Mrs McCormick can you explain as evidence what happened that night your husband assaulted" he asks "yes your honour, after the girls had explained what had happened I made sure that the were okay in bed watching a film. Once Malcom arrived home I approached him and sat him down. I told him what had happened but I hadn't fully explained due to him getting up and leaving the house. I followed him and he was beating up Sophia's dad" Ariana explains "in your statement that you gave to the police you mentioned about going to collect Ella from school" one of the jury asks "that's correct" Ariana answers "did Malcom know that you had picked her up and what happened" he asks "no your honour" Ariana answers "Wait what happened when Ella was picked up" another one asks "when I went to pick Ella up they wouldn't let me because she was in an exam" Ariana explains "has Malcom ever acted with that much anger before" The jury asks "no your honour" Ariana answers "do you think that it was intentional that Malcom assaulted Mr Rob Swings" he ask "no your honour" Ariana replies "OBJECTION" the wife of Rob shouts as everyone starts to mummer."quiet in the court room" the judge announces placing the hammer in the table startling Ariana.

"Thank you Ariana you can take your seat" the judge announces "thank you your honour" Ariana takes her seat. "Good luck" Ariana pecks Ella's forehead.

"Mr Rob Swings please rise, Me Malcom McCormick you may sit" the judge announces "yes your honour" Malcom responds. "We are now going to introduce one of the girls, Ella" he announces as Ella slowly walks on.

Everyone held Ariana's hand as she saw Ella was crying. Ariana wanted nothing more than to run and hold her baby girl.

"Ella" he says gently "can you explain to us what Mr Rob Swings did and how this happened" the jury asks "me and Sophia were talking and her dad didn't like it" Ella flinches as she sees him move "it's okay" the jury encourages her gently "he was drunk he told me to take my clothes off which I didn't want to do but he said if I didn't that he would hurt my mummy" Ella sniffs looking at her mum before looking at her dad who was crying. "So you were scared so you did as he asked" he ask "yes" Ella sniffs "can you explain what happens after you had taken off your clothes" he asks gently "he put me on the bed and started touching me and.. and telling me that he's always wanted me like this, Sophia got him off me" Ella breaks down in floods of tears "Stop" the judge says as the jury interrogate Ella with questions "Ella you may stand down" the judge tells her "yes your honour" Ella sobs walking out.

"Before the next girl come in we would like to show you some evidence that this man Mr Rob Swings has been abusing his daughter" the jury show some photos of the marks on Sophia's skin.

"Ariana we need your help Ella's not okay" the officer whispers to Ariana. Malcom looks up to where his family were say and noticed Ariana stand up and leave.

"Sophia you have to explain that you got your dad off Ella since Ella couldn't okay" The officer tells her and she nods. "Good luck" Ariana tells her.

Ariana was escorted into a private room where her daughter was laid with an oxygen mask on. "Mummy" she sobs "I'm here" Ariana holds her asks she calms down. "Breathe baby girl breathe... in.... out" Ariana tells her controlling her breathing with her.

"Ella would you like some water" A lady asks her and she nods "Daddy was crying" Ella sobs "was he" Ariana holds her "I looked at you and then at daddy and he was crying" Ella tells her "please don't make me come back in that room" Ella sobs "I won't you can stay out here with me" Ariana rubs her back.

Ella takes a sip of her water as Ariana holds her to let her know that she was there. "Mummy" Ella asks "yes baby girl" Ariana asks placing a kiss to her forehead "can I sleep with you again tonight" she asks "yes of course you can" Ariana tells her.

"Mr Rob Swings, did you abuse your child" he ask "no, your honour" he states "let's see what your daughter says" the jury says as Sophia stands on the stand.

"Sophia can you explain what happened" he asks and Sophia nods "my dad would hit me when he was drunk and my mum would laugh. When Ella was round he wasn't happy with me talking about boys with Ella, he was drunk. He made her take he clothes off. When he climbed on her I tried getting him off her but he pushed me back against the wall so I tried again and I did but he forced me on the bed and ripped my clothes and rapped me" Sophia sobs "is that true Mr Dob Swings" he ask "no your honour" He answers. Sophia was allowed to step down as she sits back down with Hudson.

Everyone gathers the evidence "we have come to a conclusion" the head jury announced to the judge.

"Mr Rob Swings, guilty or not guilty" the judge asks "guilty your honour" he states "what about Mr Malcom McCormick" he asks "not guilty, your honour"

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