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As an Avenger yourself, Pietro was your crush. His accent was what got you tingles in your body. His muscular body, his smile, blue eyes, and his silver hair. You loved how he was active. You loved how he made you laugh, play with you, and read to you when you would get sick. He cared for you and you noticed that he would get jealous when Tony, Clint,Loki, Thor, and Steve would gesture you. Tony was the flirtatious one, Clint was the one who showed off, Loki was just the mischief, Thor was the funny one, and Steve was the kind one. You loved them all as friends, but Pietro was the only one you loved the most. He is very clumsy around you, very kind and gentle when you would train with you. The only one who knows that you have a crush on him was his sister, Wanda. You told her everything you have on him. And she tells you what he likes and doesn't like. You would even read him stories he loves. Today was your birthday. And you have forgotten your own birthday since you have a lot of work to turn in for Stark. When you woke up, you saw a note on your lamp stand. It read:

Happy Birthday! We have a surprise for you when you get downstairs






You smiled your way downstairs. As you head to the kitchen, there was a loud 'surprise' that scared the crap out of you. Thor was holding pop tarts, Loki had a books, Clint had roses, Steve was holding a necklace, and Tony had two bottles of wine that was your favorite. They hugged you and ate the pop tarts with you, and later on you noticed Pietro wasn't there. Wanda had barely woke up and told you 'happy birthday' and handed you a card. She said to read it. So you did. it read

~Happy Birthday

im sorry if i wasn't there with you in the morning , but i am out getting some stuff just for you and me for tonight


You kept wondering what it might be, roses, balloons,car, books. As you head back to your room to get ready for the party Tony will be throwing for your birthday. When you go into your closet to find a dress, you see one that you had never had before:

 When you go into your closet to find a dress, you see one that you had never had before:

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You loved it so much you also got silver flats. there was a note that said


You knew it was from Pietro. As you twirled around, Wanda got inside and saw the dress. she loved it to. She took you out to get some decorations to get for the party, and grocery shopping so she can get some things for recipes she was making. You took a long time at the store that it was already 5 and the party starts at 6. So you went and took a shower and put on your dress. 

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You put your hair like the picture above and your makeup

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You put your hair like the picture above and your makeup. As you head out there was a lot of people at the party just to celebrate. Tony was already drinking, Steve and Bucky were talking, Nat was with Wanda while Loki was getting annoyed by Thor eating the pop tarts. As you walk to Wanda, Tony pulled you to the bar. And placed a birthday hat on you like if you were a toddler. He was already drunk even thou they didn't play the drinking games Tony would play. As you went back to Wanda she told you to go the balcony, someone there was waiting, so you went. There was nobody, so you were a bit confused. Until you saw Pietro wearing a suit. You started to drool because he looked really hot in it. He blushed as you smiled so awkward. He pulled you close to him making you freak out. Tony saw and played a song:

He said to you in his sexy accent",(y/n), I love the way you blush. Your cheeks grow like red roses when you  get near me or even look at me. I want you in my life. You are the missing piece to my soul. I adore you all the time so I didn't know how to tell you and thought this might be the way to express the way i have on you. You are the one who brights up my heart. Every day I enjoy seeing your beauty. It makes me happy." you tear up and hug him and say"this was the best gift ever. He gave you a soft kiss and whispered in your ear," This is only part of the gift,  the rest will be dealt in bed" Your body shivers up as he takes your hand to his room....waking up next to the man of your dreams.

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