Safe in your arms part 1

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"(Y/n) ". That soothing voice you heard coming from the room you shared. With, the winter soldier, Bucky. "In the shower love" you responded. The warm water falls from head to toes. You were about to grab your body wash till you felt hands wrap around your hips. "Without me" Bucky's seductive voice sending shivers to your spine. You turned around and responded"of course not". You took him in a passionate kiss.

As the steamy, heated, 3 hour shower was done with you and Bucky. You both decided to go out to the park for a afternoon walk.

Bucky and you were having talks about random things. And how you felt towards each other. As you talked more, both of you sat down in a bench near a playground. As you looked over, a father was playing with his son, while the mother was pushing the swing for the daughter. They were happy. The daughter runs up to her father, picks her up and embrace her for a hug. The son runs to his mother and embrace for hugs. Then they all walk together towards the ice cream trunk. Then head back to the playground. The two children run and play, while the parents sit by and lean together.

"I wonder how it would look like with my family" Bucky whispered under his breath. You looked up and smiled. He looked back and smiled. "James, you know your really bad at whispering "you said with a giggle. He laughed back. "Do you really want to have a family" you said. He gave out a sigh. "Yes, but.. I was afraid you wouldn't agree.....and I feel like I won't be a good father nor a good husband... A afraid if I would hurt them" he said. A tea strolled down his cheek. You wiped the tear, and brought him for a kiss. "James, your the love of my life, why would I ever say no silly" you said. He gave your his warm, heart melting smile. "You know doll, you keep calling me James, daddy is gonna teach you a lesson" he said with a husky voice. "Oh James, what lessons will you give me." You said. You heard a low growl that made you bite your lip. He picked you up bridle style and carried you to the bike. Both of you to left to the house and had a moaning mess, rough, passionate sex.

One month later
"Positive.... Positive... " you said looking at the pregnancy test. "(Y/n), lemme see" Nat said. You come out and give it to Natasha and Wanda. "Omg!  Your going to be a mom! And Bucky a father!  I better be the aunt! "Natasha said. You laughed and sat down. "No wonder my period hasn't passed, i was pregnant" you said to the girls. "But how do I tell Bucky... I know he wanted to start a family and all but how do I tell him... " you said and sighed. "Make a special dinner, or a present or something "Wanda said still thinking of ideas. "Maybe dinner might work!  He told me tonight he wanted to take me out! " You said jumping up with excitement. "Perfect! " the all of you said.

"Steve... I don't know... What if she isn't ready... I mean... I feel if I'm rushing things" Bucky said looking at the rings in the jewelry story. "Buck, she loves you, and plus weren't you and (y/n)  already planning to have kids, so what rush. She would say yes of course" Steve said giving him a pat. Both of them kept looking at some rings until he found the perfect one.

You were all dressed and perfect. You were wearing a black, strapless dress, showing your curves, picking up so that your cleavage was enough for bucky, and was mid thigh high, with black heels. "You ready Doll" Bucky called out from the other side of the bathroom. "Yes love" you responded and walked out. "Wow.... You look.... Beautiful... Just... Wow" he said with amazement."Thank you"you said as you looked at what he was wearing, his blue, button up shirt, squeezing all his perfect muscles mad you drool, with black pants and black shoes. "You look sexy too love" you said walking over to  him to give him a kiss. "Thanks" he said  winking with his million dollar smile. "Let's head out" he said. "Alright let's go" you said. You checked your purse if you still had your test to show, and you didn't notice he checked his pocket if he still had the ring. Both of you head out.

It was an amazing dinner. There was laughs and chats about almost everything. Then the time finally came. "Bucky... I have something to tell you" you said in a gleeful and nervous voice. "So do I" he said with a also nervous tone. "Go first doll" he told you. "Well, just got some news about a test" you said pulling a box out. He gave you a confused look. "Here, open it" you said giving him the black box. He took it and opened it. He looked at it confused, till his eyes widen and his mouth was opened with happiness. "Y-your pregnant" he said with joy. You nodded biting your lips. He got up and kneeled down. You started to tear up knowing what it is. "(Y/n) (y/l/n),  we knew each other for two years and counting, I love you with all my heart, more since we are having a kid, and I can't never ask for anything else, but you. You gave me love, passion, trust, and a mini me, and I would like to know, if you would spend your life with me till the end of the line" he said. Waterfalls of tears streamed down your face and was amazed by the ring. "Till the end of the line James Buchcan Barnes, till the end of the line" you said. He put the ring on and brought you for a kiss. Both of you didn't , know but the both of you were surprised by the rest of the team. You both said hi to all of them and sat down with them. "Your safe in my arms doll" Bucky said and gave you a kiss.

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