Shy love(Bucky)

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"Come on! You have to go to his party" Natasha scoffed. "You know I don't like going to parties, mostly Tonys" you complained. "Yea, i know, but this is for Bucky! And this is basically your chance to at least talk to him. I know you and Bucky are very shy people, and you both are basically talking to each other more than the other guys" Natasha said dragging you to her room. "But Natasha! What if it doesn't work. I'm just making a fool for my self" you whined. "(y/n) if you don't go, I am going to tell him you dreamed you fucked him" Natasha smirked. "Okay fine! jeez, the only reason I am going is so you don't tell him about that at all" you rolled your eyes. "Great! Lets get you a dress"" she smiled gleeful.

"So you ready Buck" Steve patted Buckys back. "Kinda, its just, why couldn't it be a friend party, not a ' everyone in New York is coming' party" Bucky sighed. "Well you already know how Tony is. I, myself isn't a fan, but I slowly started to enjoy it, since I met up with the author, Sara" Steve said smiling. "Well your lucky since you have a lover to be with" Bucky scoffed. "Don't worry Buck, she will come" Steve smirked. The two men then left to there rooms to change.

Natasha was doing your hair, while Wanda fixing up your makeup. "Aaannnddd done" Natasha said, finishing the last curl. "Perfect touch" Wanda said finishing your lips. You were wear a strapless, silver,long  dress, showing your curves, from front and back, showed enough cleavage, picking up your boobs a bit, had a opening on your left leg, showing your toned skin, wearing black heels, not too high.

"G-guys don't you think its too much" you laughed nervously. "Of course not! This is how you will get his attention darling" Wanda giggled."Alright enough worry, time to get your ass out there" Natasha said dragging you out to the party.

As you walked down, the guys turned and began to drool over you. It made you blush of embarrassment. You passed by guys who we coming up to, ended up hitting a strong man. That strong man was Bucky. "(y/n)..y-you beautiful" he said holding you. You blushed red. "T-thank y-you Bucky, you look beautiful too..i-i mean handsome...sorry" she said still in his embrace. Both you and Bucky were just two tomatoes at a party. "Sorry that I bumped into you Buck, I was just dodging my way out from the guys" she said backing up a bit and blushing still. "It's alright doll, I understand, well I was going to go get a drink, um..come with me? If you don't want to thats fine" he said stuffing his hands in his pockets, looking down blushing. "S-sure, I would like to go" you said smiling lightly,still blushing.He then looked up, smiling his goofy smile that you love, that makes your heart melt. He took your hand and walked you to the counter. He grabbed you a glass and himself one, and a bottle of scotch. He placed two ice cubes in yours and his. He poured for both of you and drank it down. You felt the liquid burn down your throat, coughing lightly and placing your cup down for another. 

"Steve look" Natasha said pulling Steve's arm. "I see, I see" Steve said laughing. "She is growing up so fast! My little nervous bean, growing into a courageous rose" Natasha said. "Mhm, Imma go see, wanna come Nat" Steve said taking a drink. "Um hell ya" Nat said laughing. They trolled there way to you and Bucky. "Hey guys" Steve said. "Hey" you both responded. "I see you both drinking Tony's favorite scotch will he will maybe kill you sooner or later" Steve said popping open another beer. "Right, but its a party anyways" Bucky said laughing. "And by the way, there is no way he will be able to beat my ass" Bucky laughed again. "Well true on that, and what about (y

) " Nat smirked. "I....i will protect her" Bucky said blushing, then looking at you. You blushed and smiled. "Well we are going to leave you two love birds alone, lets go Nat" Steve said patting Bucky and leaving with Nat. Both of you, of course blushed again. 

As the party went on, more and more came. You and Bucky talked about different things you both had liked. "Hey, I'll be right back, Steve is calling me over, do you want to come over or wait here" Bucky asked. "I'll stay, plus Tony is over there so don't want to hear is drunk ass" you giggled. "Alright be right back" he said and left. You turned back around and grabbed a wine glass and poured some wine. "Hey there beauty" a strange voice said. You turned around and saw the built,tall, red head, hazel eye, man. You just then turned your back. "Come one baby girl, I won't hurt you, I just want to talk to you"he said turning you around. "N-no thanks. I am fine here by myself" you said blushing. "Non sense. A pretty gal like you shouldn't be alone. Why won't you come over to my place, so I can show you how beautiful you are" he said taking a seat. He then placed his hand on your thigh. Your begin to panic, your body boiling, sharps inhales and exhales. "Don't worry, just be quiet and nothing won't happen" he smirked. He slowly slide his hand further. That's when you didn't know what else to do so you slapped him right across his face, making him fall off his chair. Bucky came running. " Doll, you okay? What happened" he said looking at the guy on the floor then looking to you. "He...he came over.....a-and was talking to me...then he placed his hand on my thigh...i-i panicked...he started to slide his hand up..a-and i slapped him" you said blushing red, looking at Bucky with panic. "Hey, its fine" he said.

The man slowly got up. Bucky turned around, and you hid behind his back. "Move" the man said. "No" "Move now or else" Bucky was short due to the fact the guy was tall. "Look, you don't move out of the fucking way shorty, I will beat you up first, then that bitch" he said getting closer to Buckys face. "What did you just call her" Bucky was in rage. He clenched both fist, flesh and metal, his veins were popping out of his arms, including his neck, he had his jaw clenched up too. "I said that I will beat the shit out of you, then the bitch" he spat in Buckys face. "Thats it" he growled. Bucky threw his metal arm at his jaw, then punched his stomach with his flesh. The man fell to the floor and grabbed him by the throat. "If you ever call my girl that, EVER again, I will find you, and wait till you never see sunlight ever again is that understood. I don't want to see yo ever again, nor come again" Bucky said with hate. "Y-yea what ever you want man" the man said with fear. "Get the fuck out now" Bucky spat. The man then left, holding his stomach and his beat up jaw. Everyone cheered and went back to there business. You went to the balcony to get some air. Since nobody was there, you were all by yourself.

"Hey...." Bucky voice said in a whisper. "Oh hey" you said in a whisper, not bothering to look back. "Are...are you okay" he said still near the door. "Yea...just...getting some fresh air thats all" you answered. "Can I join in" he asked. You turned and nodded. "Why...why did you call me your girl" you asked him blushing. "Welll...its because.....i....." he said blushing. He then took in a deep breath and exhales. "Look, ever since I met you, and talked to you and all...well I have gained love for you. You aren't like the rest. Wild,social, and all that. You keep to yourself, and you will only talk to other when they talk to you. And your a  beautiful gal. You just, make me safe more comfortable, and I can open up to you since you listen and all, and don't go ranting about" he said. You stood there with no word. Just blushing and smiling. You grabbed him and pulled him in for a soft kiss. You wrapped your arms around his neck,and he wrapped his around your waist. You both broke apart when you saw a flash. "Awww look at my lil baby growing" Natasha said looking at the photo she took. "N-natasha! You better delete it" you said blushing. Bucky looked down in at his shoes. "Alright alright, come on Nat" Steve said pulling her away. 

"Sorry Bucky" you said looking down. He lifted his head, picked up your chin, and kissed you again. You both smiled into the kiss, and loved the night away.

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