Secrets revealed

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Yes I been lazy and this has been requested ling ago🤦but here you go!
Requested by DragoDragonborn
Here we go!!!!

"Any calls yet" you say to your mic. "Nothing, but did get a up date, your now known as the Black shadow, since you wear all black and only appear at night" your friend Kayla says. "I guess you can say" you say. "Hold on Kay, I got sum" your jump down from the roof and see a lady being attacked by 3 men, but then a guy in a red and blue suit flies in. "What the hell" you say to yourself and hid. You see him starting to attack the men, helping the lady. "Spider boy came into he rescue huh" Kay says they the mic. "Yup". As you wonder, who is this guy under this suit. But came back to reality and left off. "(Y/n) head north where your at, right now there is a robbery from that all shop" Kayla says. You smile and parkour your way to the robbery.

Minutes later

"Now now gentle men, you can do it rather the easy way or the hard way" you say behind the group of men. The laugh with pit. "What can a child like you do" says one. You sigh, and flip over the man and kicked his back making him fall, the others started to come and attack you. Kicks and punches were thrown, till you see the man in the suit again. "Damnit" you say. You both started to work together and fight the men off. As soon as they were tied up, you started running. But a harsh pull made you fall back. "Who are you" said that man in the suit. "Nun of your business now excuse me" you say. But he pulls back. "Well you seem interested with helping people" he says facing you. "Look pal, im trynna get back to where I need to be" you say making your hands into a fist "Rush much? I'll let you off this time" he says letting you go, "but if I see you again...just know I'll find out who you are" Police started to arrive and you left your way. "Why does she sound familiar"

The next day.

"HEY PARKER OVER HERE" you say. Peter waves and walks his way towards you. "Hey (y/n), did you finish the project already" Peter asked you. "Pffft of course, why wouldn't I" you say smiling. You always liked Peter, but you never showed him how you feel because you didnt know how he felt back towards you. The bell rings and both of you rush to your history class.

Time passes

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As jumping from roof to roof in dead silence, there is yelling, you head towards those sounds as quickly and quietly as possible. A teenage boy and a teenage girl being surrounded with men in Black. You jump down and attack one of the men and flipped him over. They all start to come towards you and you start to attack them, later on they are all on the floor. As you see closely to the teenage boy and girl, it was Peter. You stood and shock and shook your head and ran off. You heard Peter yell to come back but you refused to listen. "(Y/n) there is fire not too far from.where your at, go take a look at it" says Kayla thru your mic. You start running towards house, seeing it burn in fumes. Yells and screams we're heard from it. You took a deep breath and and broke down the door. You ran in side the house finding the family, you then helped them outside before anything far worse happened. The lady yelled that her baby was inside, you ran up stairs and grabbed the baby quickly as possible, but then the door out and been blocked, you then see the window but can't escape, till the man in the suit appears again. "Give me the baby!" He says. You gave him the baby with no hesitation. As soon as you were going to head out, the floor broke, making you fall down. Gasping for air you couldn't get up. You were slowly blacking out till the man in the suit came in and got you.

Time lapse

He takes you to an abandoned apartment, entering the apartment they the wind, it was just dark musky. He turns out his flash light, and takes his mask off. "Parker" you say in whisper. " do you know my name" he said in confusion. You remove your hoodie and mask. "(Y/n)? So-so your the vigilante that's been talked about! What's the name again" he says and thinks. "Black shadow" you say. "Yeah that nickname!" You both stood in silence, so your the spider boy that's been going on huh" you say questioning. "Man. Spider Man" he says. You lightly laugh. "Sorry" he looks back at you and smiles. He goes and grabs a wet towel and sits you down on the floor. He starts to wipe off the black stains that have been left on your face, making you wince when he gets in contact with your cut. He goes and grabs a first aid kit and goes back to you. You looked at his dirty face, his eyes shining from the moonlight. "You don't have to make it obvious, i know my face his dirty he says laughing. Making you blush a bit, making you look down. "Come now, let me clean your face" he says smiling. You look back up at him. He then cleans your cut and puts a bandage on it. He then removes his suit, showing his tone muscles. "Don't you think you should be showing this off to your girlfriend" you say blushing and looking away. "Girlfriend? Ohhh you must be thinking of her! Oh god no, she's just a friend, we went out to eat because we were bored" he says sitting next to you. "Oh" you say embarrassed. " I already have eye on a girl I want" he says, looking down at his feet. "So who's the lucky girl" you ask. He looks at you and then looks at his feet. "It's you" he mumbles. You gasp in shock. He then looks back up at you."I didn't want to confess my feelings because, i-i didn't know if you felt the same way towards me. Plus, people see me as a short, nerd kid so" he says. You smile at him, "I didn't want to confess mine neither" "I was so nervous and afraid that you wouldn't like me that way" you say fiddling with your fingers. You both then took a look at each other, staring close at each other, slowly closing the the space between and making your lips touch. A long soft kiss was being made till it broke, making you both blush and look away smiling.

"I have to go..." You say looking down at your phone. "So do I" Peter says. Before you left out the window, "So see you tomorrow then" you questioned. " Of course" he says smiling. Giving each other one last kiss good bye and left the night.

As you head back in you room and about to lay on the bed, your phone rings. You look down at it:

Parker: hope you don't mind that I took your phone for a while to have my number

You laugh lightly.

You: I don't mind at all spider boy

Leaving you smiling and sleeping peacefully.

I'm really really sorry for the horrible story line 😔it's like 11:40 right now sooooooo what do you expect out of me, I hope this is how you wanted the story line. Still making more, REQUEST ARE OPEN

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