Tony: Part one

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                          (play the song when there is a * it makes the story better)

You were long gone for about two weeks in Paris. You were turning in some pictures you took from New York and you were just about to get your dreams to come true. You wanted to be a photographer. And you were in love with Tony Stark, of course your fiance. You head back to New York with great news. Not just only about your pictures being approve, but a test. You entered the Stark Tower and told JARVIS not to notify you where there you wanted to surprise Tony. As you were going to open the door, you heard moans. You heard some girl moaning "Tony go faster" you hoped it was not what you thought it was. As you opened the door, you saw what you didn't want to see. Tony fucking Pepper, his ex. *You began to tear up. "Hon, it is not what you think" Tony said getting up grabbing a blanket to cover his bottom part. Pepper sat up staring at Tony and you. He as going to grab your hand and pull you towards him , but you slapped him on the face. "I-i- can't believe you done this to me"you said as you cried. "Well this would of never had happened if you didn't leave me" he said. "I HAVE BEEN GONE ONLY FOR 2 FUCKING WEEKS TONY" you screamed at him. "NONE OF THIS WOULD HAD HAPPEN IF YOU JUST STAYED BUT NO! YOU WENT AND FUCKING FOLLOWED YOUR CRAPPY DREAM! MAYBE IT WAS A MISTAKE TO MARRY YOU AFTER ALL" he said yelling at you. Your heart shattered into million of pieces. "No wait...(y/n) i..i didn't mean to say that"he said with a tear. You pushed him and went back up stairs where pepper was still in bed. You took off the ring he gave you and gave it to pepper. "I hope your happy you stupid bitch" you said hatred filling up in your heart. You then stormed off crying. You still had you apartment with (y/f/n). She answered the door and saw you with mascara speared down on your cheeks. She took you in and asked what had happened."What am I going to do now! I am pregnant with his kid" you said to (y/f/n). "Well tell him and just take him to court so you can file child support, you can make some bucks out of it for the kid when he or she is born" she said. "Well that is true, but I don't want to tell him after what he had done" "Then let me tell him, I got your back don't worry! And if you want, I can beat his ass up for hurting you.ESPECIALLY you." Your friend new his weakness and plus they were like brother and sister. Eventually you had no choice and she left off to kill Tony.

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