Dusk till dawn

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It was a idea and by the song Dusk till dawn by Zayn ft. Sia. It was a idea I had in mind as coming out of school as I was being embarrassed when two Juniors come up to me and ask me out for prom.....but anyways, it's a Bucky x reader and yes I am weird but I'm going to confess to you all, I see Bucky as daddy material but no worry I'm not going to do any daddy kink. There will be smut, warning. Please don't forget to vote😁😁

Groaning at the alarm went, you slide out of your warm bed and stretching, till then a figure was walking your way, you rubbed your eyes more seeing the figure focus and went to attack, you dodge his hits and started to fight back. You pulled his leg and having him into a choke hold. "Okay I think you can let go" said in a raspy voice. "Friday, turn on the lights" as they switched on, it was Bucky. You let go and sighed. "Well now your awake let's go have our runs" he says smiling. "You know, your like a two year old that's waking up his parents to open gifts" you say laughing. "And let me be" he says crossing his arms, seeing every muscle making you drool. "Well...um I'll get ready, see you at the gym" you said and fled to your bathroom. "See you down there doll" heard they the door and left. You sighed and washed your heated face. You always liked Bucky, you just never confessed to him at all. You thought he might reject you because he would be in his own state of mind. As you head to the gym, you saw Bucky, shirtless with his shorts and his hair up in a man bun. He was having a convo with Steve. "Ready guys" you say. Bucky turns and eyes you down and smiles. " Already doll." You bite your lower lip, seeing his piercing blue eyes taking ever inch of you. Few runs later, of course you came in last. "Come on turtle, let's get something to eat" Steve says laying on the grass. "I thought I was slow" Sam said laughing. "Oh hush, she just came last because she felt bad for you Sam" Bucky said. You both laughed as Sam rolled his eyes. The four of you went walking to a diner to eat out.

Few hours later~

As you all head back to quarters, Tony jumps out of nowhere, scaring the crap out of you. "Alrighty so I'm having a graduation party for Peter here for finally joining the Avengers, so dress nicely and not a lot of people are coming, just the team and people I know" he says. "Don't you know everyone Tony" you crossed your arms laughing. "That's why" he said winking. You laughed. "What time will it start at Stark" Sam asked. "Starts at 7, see you all there" he says waving away to the elevator. Bucky seemed a bit tensed but relaxed. "Well I'll leave you guys here, Sam and I are going shopping for the party" Steve says between you and Bucky. "Alright Stevie, see you both later" you say. As they left you and Bucky left to your rooms to change. You looked for a dress to wear, but to show Bucky you weren't always a warrior, but you had your gentle side. You sighed finding no dress idea so you decide to go have a chat with Buck. As you knocked, you found yourself a shirtless Bucky, hair dripping wet, water drops on his tone muscles as his hands on the door frame, showing his muscles, and as you looked more down to his shorts, showing his sharp v line making you blush. "Hey doll, what's up" he says smiling down at you. "I-i was wondering if you were uh.. going to Tony's party" you say fiddling with your shirt. You saw him tensed up and take a gulp. "I...I don't think I am. I'm not a fan of parties. Just not my thing anymore" he says looking down. "Oh..okay" you say looking down yourself. Silence was between you till you spoke. "I'm..I'm just gonna go" you say walking away. "(Y/n)" he calls out. "Yea" you turned around. "If your going, then I'll go" he says. "Really? I mean you don't have to, it's if you want to. I'm not forcing you or anything-" "Doll, don't worry. I'll be there" he says smiling. "Alright, see you later Sarge" you say biting your lower lip and leaving. Butterflies flew in your stomach. As you giggled your way to your room, you bumped into Tony. "So what's with the giggles huh" he says smirking. "Nothing" you say laughing. "Sure, that's not what the video says" he says showing you a video of you and Bucky talking not too long ago. "Hey look. I'll call in Potts so she can help you with a dress for metal arm. I feel as if you can get him out for once. I know he has been messed up with HYDRA, so I see he feels comfortable with you" Tony says smiling. "You really think so?" You say. "Of course. Pfft it's obvious kid. Plus you both have soft spots for each other" he says laughing lightly as he walks away. "oh hush" you say rolling your eyes playfully.

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