safe in your arms pt 2

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^my favorite song^lol

word count 2094 thats the longest i have written lol

7 months later

"Doll, I'm home" Bucky yelled out. No answer. "Doll" he questioned a bit worried. He just got home from a three day mission, eyes baggy, pale face and smelly. He went walking slowly to the shared room and heard gagging noises. He walked more into the bathroom and saw you, on the floor, elbows on the toilet, and you facing into the toilet throwing up. He walked over to you, and rubbed your back. He pulled your hair back, so you wont puke on your hair. You looked up to him, and gave him a slight smile. You were also pale and had darker rings under your eyes, and was weak. " Bucky....your home" you said trying to smile."Of course doll, And best part, no more work till the baby is born, so now i can take better care of you" he said smiling, bringing you into his arms. "I love you James, but you need a shower" you said pushing him and laughing, feeling a bit better."Very well, but you need to take one as well" he said.

You took all your clothes off, so did Bucky, and entered the bath tub. The water was just right. Bucky went in first, then you. He pulled you close to him, which you leaned your back to his front. He then rubbed your 7 month belly. "Im sorry doll, you have to deal with this, but once the baby is born, i will take care of it, so you can rest. You been though a lot of pain, and pills, and doctor appointments you need to go to. I will take care of him or her" he asked. "Aww, really Buck, that would mean the world to me, but i don't mind taking care of the kids, you can help, but thanks babe" you said. You both stayed in the tub till you heard a knocking. "Hey (y/n), Bucky you in there". Steve, of course. He acted like a brother to you. You loved it, but sometimes he would be over protected to you, since he promised Bucky he would take care of you when he would be gone in missions. Bucky yelled out"We are busy Steve". He gave you a smile. ""Okay, better not be any you know....but anyways Tony is calling you both" Steve responded and left. Bucky let out a sigh, not wanting to get out.  "Come on big boy. Lets go see what he wants, then we can come back and sleep as long as we want" you said getting up and grabbing a towel. He finally agreed and did the same. You put on some basketball shorts, and one of Bucky's shirts. They were loose enough for you to wear. He put some sweats and with a muscle shirt. You both walked to the living room where all the Avengers were. "So what's up" you asked as you took  a seat on the couch. They all had a grin on there faces. You and and Bucky looked at each other weird, then looked back at the team. "Well in a month, your baby is going to be born, and when you both are going to get married, so I thought maybe, we should have a party next week. Some agents agreed to coming to the party, so we just need your approval" Tony said. "Well I don't mind at all, plus a celebration won't hurt at all, right" you said and looked at Bucky. He gave you a worried look, but saw your puppy eyes, he sighed with a laugh, gave you a kiss, and agreed. "Great! Now maybe you too should get ready, because we are going to take you both out to get some clothes for yourself" Tony said. "Well, can we go tomorrow, i promised James, we would sleep in today, he just got out of the three day mission, and plus i got my daily sickness today" you said. "Of course, no worries see you tomorrow, take care" Tony said. Giving you a kiss on the forehead. Tony, would act like a Dad, or sometimes a over-protected brother, or even like a mom!

i was too lazy to write more so we skipping to the party lol

Today was the party day, so you were basically busy. Wanda and Natasha went shopping with you for a dress, food, and decorations for the party. "So, what are you gonna name the kid" Nat asked you. "Well actually kids...." you said. "Wait....twins" Wanda said with shock. "Yup, boy and girl" you said walking to the food isle. "When did you find out" Nat asked with happiness. "The day when you were all at the mission that almost killed tony, i went to the doctors, and bam" you said looking at some spices. "When you planning to tell Buck" Nat asked. "Today, at the party, but I need your help" you said. Wanda agreed and Nat did too. You both decided to go to the baby store for baby shoes and to have them wrapped.

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