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You were a the cousins with Tony Stark. So you were also a genius. So you decided to go to his place for summer vacations. When you were getting out of the airport, you saw Tony with some other people you didn't know. But when you got a closer look, they were the Avengers. You said hi to all of them, but when you saw a man with long,gold hair, really buff, beautiful blue eyes, and a diamond smile, you turned red. He grabbed your hand and kissed your knuckles. You smiled back at him and he said"Hello my lady, I am Thor, you must be (y/n), Tony has been talking about you lately." You smiled and then looked at Tony and he said"They were good compliments okay? Jeez.." So you all went in the car and drove to his place. As of course, Tony wanted to have a drink with you since you arrived. But you of course didn't want to say no to your own cousin so you agreed. Everyone was sitting at the bar table listening to yours and Tony's childhood stories. They were laughing of course at the dumb stuff you did. As you were saying your story, Thor didn't stop staring at you. You acted as if you didn't notice. "Remember Tony when we went to Jessica's party an they were playing 7 heaven, it was the one when you had to pick out something out for a bowl and what ever you got it represented someone" you said almost choking on your own drink."Yea and don't even remind me" he said rolling his eyes. "Well Lady (y/n), would you care to tell us what had happen to dear tony" he said glaring at your eyes. "I would love to" you said glaring back at his eyes then looked at Tony with a smirk. "Well, I told Tony i didn't want to play, but eventually i ended up playing. So , it was Tony's turn and he took out a ring, which was Jessica's, and well we locked them in the closet for like 7 minutes and well later on we heard a yell and a really hard smack. As we opened the door, Jessica was mad as hell, while Tony on the other hand, had a big, red, hand smack on his cheek. He grabbed me and said we were leaving and I was laughing so much eventually he left me walking back home by myself." Everyone looked at Tony laughing. He rolled his eyes and took a sip of his drink. "My, my, I thought you always got the girls Mr. Stark" Natasha said. He gave her a evil glare but she didn't care at all. "Well since you wanted to have a big mouth why won't we play and your going first since you are good at it then" he said with a smirk. "Alright then, if i do end up getting with someone, you are going to have to stop drinking for an entire month, but if i lose, I will be your serverant for a month"you said. He was thinking about it and shook your hand. As you went to the living room with the rest,Tony grabbed some things and placed them in a bag. You place your hand in the bag and pulled out a tiny hammer. It was Thor. He grabbed both of you and put you in the closet and locked the door. "Oh and (y/n), it wont be for 7 minutes, it for one full hour" he said laughing then you could hear foot steps walking away. "Great we are stuck in here for an hour" you said and sat down. Thor sat next to you, reason being the closest isn't that big. You could tell he had a smile on his face and was staring at you. "Lady (y/n) so, is the point of the game is to 'hook up' as you mortals say, in the game."he said. "Um yea thats basically it" you said. You felt his hand grab your chin and kissed you. You kissed back, then you bit his lower lip, then thats when your tongue entered his mouth and so did his. Thor got up and broke the door. He picked you up bridle style and took you into your room. As he closed the door behind you, you said"JARVIS lock the door and don't let anybody come in unless i say so and if they are looking for me and Thor just tell Tony he lost.""Very well madam."  So 2 hours ave gone by and you were still doing it with him. "Hey- WHAT THE HELL" Tony yelled. "J where is (y/n)?" he said. "She is in her room with Thor and she said in quote"Tony you lost""Jarvis told Tony. He went up stairs and told Jarvis to open the door and when Jarvis did, he saw Thor laying next you covered up in the blankets."Damn..." Tony said. He slowly closed the door and heard you yell"You lost you loser"

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