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You worked at Starbucks for just a few months. You only worked there so you can have enough money to raise yourself and become a photographer. As you were cleaning the tables, You saw the Tony Stark. You had a moan or crush on the playboy. When he saw you back, he gave you his handsome smile. You smiled back and blushed and went back to the counter. "Welcome to Starbucks, how may I help you Mr.Stark" you said ina polite manner trying to fan girl. "Yes, I would like the Toffe Almonmilk Hot Cocoa, and make it quick I'm a bit in a rush today" he said. He went and sat down, then heard his name. "Here you go you" said with a smile. " I wasn't expecting it would be that fast, thank you" he said with a shock tone. He grabbed the coffe, paid and left. He has been coming to the cafe serveral times, but ordering different coffees. He was testing you. You did your job as if you were the Flash. He was liking how fast you work. So one day, when he ordered a coffee, he asked you to sit with him. And you did. "Well, I can see you are a very fast mover at doing orders here " he said smiling. "Well, I just do my job sir" you said with a nervous tone. "Well, I have been lacking a lot lately since I am always working at the lab. And I was wondering if you would like to be my assistant. Your fast, young and cute too" he said winking and taking a sip of his coffee. You blushed at the complement, and smiled back. "I would love to take the job" you said. "Great! I can't wait. Oh I never got your name and here is my card, and you start tomorrow. Bring what ever, you can stay at the towers with me, so you won't have to drive to work alright" he said placing his hand on his cheek. You gazed into his chocolate eyes as he gazed into your eyes. He leaned a bit closer and said " not to be rude and all but, are you dating anyone or seeing anyone" he said, biting his lip. "No, single woman and my name is (y/n) " you said. He smiled and left, and winked at you. You couldn't believe you were going to work for him. As you finished your shift, and quit your job, you quickly went to your house and packed what you needed. Clothes, shoes, bath gear, combs, books, and more. When you did that under half an hour, you decide to call Tony. You wanted to ask him what time you should come in. You picked up your phone and dialed the number. "Hello"Tony said. "Hey, um this is (y/n), I was wondering at what time do you want me in" you said in a girly way. " At 4 in the morning " Tony said. Your face dropped until he said "just kidding! I'm not that crazy unless I get drunk but other than that no. Come in maybe around 9 or 10 alright " he said. "Alright then have a good nite " you said. "You too doll" he said and hanged up. He just called you doll! You thought you were dreaming but realized it was reality! 

You woke up at 8, which isn't a bad time to wake up. You took a quick shower, put on a tight, knee high black skirt, with a red, button up shirt that matched the skirt. You put some makeup on, and put your hair in a cute, messy bun.  You went down stairs and went to get some breakfast. Your phone was ringing and it was a call from Tony. You picked it up. "Good morning sunshine. Happy is going to take you here and do you have your stuff ready," he said. "Alright then and yea, I got my stuff ready to go, would you like me to grab you some coffee heading to the tower " you asked. "Alright and yes please, need caffeine see you in a bit, bye" he said. You hanged up, and heard a knock. "Hi, you must be Tony's new assistant, I'm Happy." He said. "Well hi, let me get my stuff and can you stop by the coffee shop, need to get him coffee" you said.  "Alright then meet you at the car" and left to the car.

Few minutes later

You grabbed Tony's coffee and was already going to Stark Tower. As you walked in, you were a bit nervous since you weren't a interactive person and plus you were in love with the playboy. You entered the lab he was. He was shirtless, drips of sweats were over his sexy body, and was wearing some sweats. There were some cuts on his face, but not bigs ones. Just slight ones. "Oh hey, there you are. I was hoping for some company and thanks for the coffee, sweet cheeks" he said walking over to you. You handed his coffee with a shy smile. "Follow me, I'll lead you to your room madam " he said. Grabbing your hand,and dragging you to the room. "Here is your room and this is the key, so feel free to set your things up, then meet me at the lab alright" he said winking and left. You entered and playfully set your stuff up.

When you were finished, you went down to the lab. As you entered, eyes were watching you. "Hey, (y/n), you made it in time! I wanted you to come to meet the team" he said walking up and pushing you to the group. "This is, Bruce, Steve, Clint, Natasha, and Thor." He said in your ear. "Guys, this is (y/n)" he said with a smile. They all greeted you.

Later in the afternoon, you decided to make dinner. You finished making a big buffet since Steve and Thor eat a lot. They thanked you and left to the rooms for sleep. As you cleaned up, Tony was at the counter drinking. He was a bit drunk for a while, so he went up and wrapped his arms around your body.

"Do you know whyyyyy I hired you" he said in a deep sexy voice, making you shiver. "Umm f-for assistants" you said nervously. "Nopeee, well kinda but I actually, like you. Your sooooooo pretty and beautiful and sexy and a hard worker" he said laughing. "I may be drunk, but I know what I do, I don't forget nothing at all," he said smiling. He turned you around and kissed you. You kissed back. "I-I am sooo sorry, I wasn't-"he said but was cut off by your kiss. "I didn't stop you right" you said with a smirk. "Maybe we should take this more into a private room" he said having his hands on your bottom and your hands on his chest. "Let's go playboy" you said and left with him to his room. 

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