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(short story)

"My my, again with your ignorant feelings" Loki said trying to get your attention. "And? You left me like nothing Loki, is that how you treat your own queen" you say rolling your eyes. "(Y/n) you know I wouldn't do that my love" he says wrapping his arms around you. You break free from his hold and walk. "Oh really, you kept chit chatting with those women last night, they seemed so interest with you, all the laughs and light touches they gave you" you said walking away from him with arms crossed. "Now now kitten, are you feeling jealous, just as earlier with your sister having a conversation with me" Loki said scoffing. "When will you quit it loki. There is never a day your not talking to her or other women, if you want them, let me know so I can hand them the ring over" you say rasing your hand. "Stop being so jealous my love. There is nothing to worry, I keep my promise to you and only you" he says, coming behind you. You lean over the balcony, seeing out the guest from below. "Every day that passes without seeing you kills me. Your beauty is always calling me" he says wrapping his arms around you. You turn around, wrapping your arms around his neck. "I'm sorry I went all off on you my love" you say looking down. "Don't worry my love, I'm always going to be with you no matter what, I made my promise" he raises his hand with the ring, "that my heart will always be yours." You smile and kiss him ever so lightly. "How can I lost such precious jewel, no asguardian deserves you in anyway, not even me, but here we are, together as one" he says spinning you around. "Oh Loki, how such a dreamer you are" you laugh. "For you? Always my dear" he smirks. You wrap your arms around his neck and nuzzle your face into his chest, taking his scent. "I'm sorry I'm over reacting with it...just seems I'm not enough, well clearly I'm not enough, everyone judges me for what I do since I'm not acting "lady" like" you say softly disappointed. "Love, who cares what those people say. You are perfect in my way, in every way you are. They are just jealous not to have me as their own. And I'm glad I'm not. You always get me to act upon right when I'm acting mischievous, there for me when I lose my mind, or when I need someone. Darling I fell for your inner beauty, your outside beauty is just a major bonus" he says grinning. "Nothing will ever replace you" you look yup at his emerald eyes, taking every inch of his face in sight. "Gosh how I love you" leaning up at taking a warm kiss.

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