safe in your arms pt3

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Natasha turned to her heels and stormed off to meet with Bucky, but Bucky was already heading over to your room. "Bucky what the hell did you think you were doing" Nat yelled straight in his face. He jumped a bit and said Natasha,"Look, this was not my doing, Emma came over and took me from (y/n), we danced and when I heard a glass break, I turned my head, but Emma grabbed my head and kissed me. Then when I pushed her back, (y/n) turned around. Then Emma told me that (Y/n) will never take me as a father nor a husband, that she only used me. Which would never happen. She would never do that to me at all....but maybe she will since the mistake i did..." He looked at the ground, and Nat sighed. She then brought him in a hug and pulled him to your room. "Talk to her, while I get some sense out of that Emma" Natasha said walking away. 

"Doll, it's me" Bucky said though the door. "Leave me alone James" you said, trying not to break. "Doll, please...i swear it was not my doing, I should of never talked to Emma, nor let her take me from you, I made a mistake, a big one, please darling, let me in..." Buck said with pain. As you opened it, red, puffy, eyes with waterfalls of tears mixed with mascara. "Oh darling...." Bucky whispered looking at the pain he did. You just pulled him in a hug and waterfalled more than before. He started to rub your back and repeated' I'm sorry'. Once done with all that, "Is it true that you don't love me this way" you whispered in his chest. He then pulled you away from the hug and looked down at you. "Doll, you look beautiful everyday, and more since we are having a kid. I would never say that, I love you no matter what" he said. You looked at his beautiful blue eyes, and looked back at your sparkly (y/e/c). "Now, lets go back and show them how sexy you are" he said smirking as you walked to the party. You had a light blush and rolled your eyes playfully. Everyone was in a bundle, you looked at Bucky a bit confused and join the bundle. Eventually as you entered, Natasha was trash talking about Emma. There were a lot of 'ooo's and 'ohh's. Emma was red as a tomato and left in her hot heels. Her friends followed giving death stares. Once they all left, everyone cheered for Natasha. Bucky asked her what had happened. Nat told him everything, but I wasn't able to hear do to the people around me. 

"What did she say" I asked Bucky. "Not to mess with you ever again" Bucky said smirking. 

As the party went one, you were having the best of the night. Bucky would be right next to you no matter what. As you were talking to Sam, Steve, and of course Bucky, you told them you were going to grab a drink. When you arrived to the bar, a tall red headed, blue eyed man came up to you. "Hey there" he said leaning in the counter. "May I help you" you said annoyed. "Yes, I would love you back" he said with a smirk. You didn't remember who he was. Your ex, Chris. The one that abused you, hurt you, and even gave you away to his friends. "W-what are you doing here" you said in a nervous tone. "Well, Emma, my new girlfriend that gives me what I want was in tears. Your red headed friend caused that. Why" he said. 

No response, you just looked at bis devil eyes. The ones that looked at you when you were beat, making you going to the hospital. The ones that looked at you when you refused to fuck him, he raped you. The ones that looked at you, while his friends touched you and raped you, the ones that gave you pain emotionally when he told you were a whore,slut, and a lazy bitch. He would always come home drunk in hate or with another girl. You were with him for two months till you escaped that hell house. Thats when the Avengers reached out to you.

"Hmm. no answer. Oh and I see your having a baby. Something I wanted from you, but never gave it to me. Why, why did you let another man have a child with you, but not me" he said with hate. "Wait your just a fucking whore thats why" he snickered. You were shaking in fear. You weren't able to speak nor move. Just in fear. He came up to you and grabbed a fist full of your hair and covered your mouth. He was about to drag you to the room, but was met with you pissed off fiance. "Let her go no you piece of shit" Bucky said in a angry way, that you never heard of tone of voice. "This little whore! She is nothing! She fucked more guys than you can imagine" he spat at Bucky. Tears strolled down your face and sobs slipped out of your mouth. Bucky swung his metal fist at Chris. You moved away and stood up in fear. You never seen Bucky this mad before, but it's all worth it. "Say that again to her, I will make sure you never see fucking day light ever again, get the fuck out of here before anything gets worse" Bucky spat at him, giving him a deadly stare as he held him by the collar. Steve tried to pull Bucky away. He let go of Chris and of course he had to have a fucking big mouth. "Why do you even protect her. She will just use you like she did to me. She is worth nothing! Nothing! And you decide to risk your weak ass soul for her....your pathetic" "Thats it" Bucky was about to run to him, till Tony grabbed him by the neck, using his Iron hand and shot him out the window. He landed on a filled dumpster in the alley. "Okay lets get this party back" Tony yelled as he took a shot. And again everyone cheered. You on the other hand went back to the room and sobbed your self to death. 

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