Chapter One

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Even as a kid Monika loves school. It was the place where her talents sparks the brightest and everybody admires her for that, everybody except for one boy. Monika knows every of her classmate's names, and was even consider a teacher's pet. Gradually Monika pays more attention to the boy that's always in the corner of her eyes.


"Yes, Monika." The teacher turns toward her.

"That boy that never talked in the class. He seems to be really far off from the others."

"Oh? You mean Yasuki?" The teacher thought for a moment. "I don't quite know. He seemed to be in perfect health. Maybe you should try talking to him, he might feel better with the company of you. Who knows."

Monika takes a deep breath. "Alright, I'll talk to him." She promptly approaches the boy sitting alone at the corner of the classroom.

"Hi, Yasuki." Monika greets him, though he doesn't seem to acknowledge her presence. Instead, she decides to sit next to him as she does so the boy scooch space further from her, keeping the both of them distant.

Moments later the teacher starts the class. After she finished teaching the class she assigned everyone to write poems--something Monika had been reading about recently. Monika takes out her composition notebook and began writing. She paused to see Yasuki's head buried in his arms as he leaned on the table.

"We need to write poems--" She blinks.

Instead of asking, she rips a blank page out from her notebook and places it in front of him. Yasuki lift his head staring at Monika. He didn't thank her, but he did start writing with the wooden pencil the teacher had provided--it's usually for the students who didn't have any school supplies.

"Is everybody done writing their poems?" The teacher proclaims. "If you are then bring it up to me."

Hearing that announcement, Monika stands up from her seat and walks up to the teacher with her completed poem. She comes back to see Yasuki erasing something on his paper.

"EK!! What are you doing?!" Monika immediately snatches the paper from him before he could erase everything completely. Yasuki didn't say anything, he sat there looking down at the table. Monika takes a glance at the paper.

"You drew a picture?" Her eyes darted to him with disappointment. "But it does look cute, I actually like it."

Monika carefully places Yasuki's paper down on the table, he didn't dare to look back at her. "Sorry if I acted a little--"

"N-no." Said Yaskuki.

"Eh?" Monika blinked.

"I don't know how to write... poems." He said. 

Her cheeks slightly turn red. She didn't expect him to sound different from what she had anticipated. "No problem!" Monika proudly put her fist on her chest. "I'll do everything I can to teach you poetry! Besides, I love to explore human emotions. It can become quite interesting, you know. I'm sure we all start somewhere."

Yasuki's brows twist, he didn't say anything else. The whole time they sat in silence, to pass time Monika just proceeds to write more poems. Yasuki on the other hand drew on the line papers he asked from her.

*  *  *

"Do you want to eat lunch together?" Monika asked.

Yasuki didn't respond, instead, she just sits next to him. Then she opens her bento, there are shrimps lined at the side of the rice and a lettuce piece at the bottom of it. Yasuki gulps, he quickly gazes away hiding his intense expression.

"Do you want some?" She asked.

Again, he didn't reply. Anyhow she smiled and put some food on the lid of the bento, and carefully put it in front of Yasuki. Monika suddenly realized that he doesn't have chopsticks, so she pulls out the extra pair of chopsticks from her bag that she just so happens to have prepared. Yasuki tries not to drool all over the food, he devours the food without pausing for a second. Speechless Monika stares at him, she giggled at his action. However, she ends up giving him her whole bento.


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I wanted to write most of the story in Monika's perspective, but I end up writing it in third person. I guess this is alright since I write too many first person storytelling, and I hope you enjoy the story.

- Shido Thao

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