Chapter Twenty Nine

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A few days had passed and yet there were nothing Monika could do to rewind what has been changed. Frustrated, she glanced at a random direction. Plus the fact that she's also hallucinating other things as well.

"Good morning." Yasuki sits next to her.

"Oh, good morning." Monika responded, she's slowly getting the hang of him sitting beside her.

He smiled. "I thought I lost you there. Don't stare into space like that, it worries me."

"It worries you?" Her eyes pierce at him.

Yasuki quickly averts his eyes while blushing out of embarrassment. "W-well, you haven't been acting like yourself for a few days now. So I thought that maybe something's been on your mind. Maybe you could tell me what is bothering you? After all, we are very close friends."

That last thing that he said start pestering Monika, her brows furrow in more frustration. When he isn't actually acting like himself, it's as if he has been friends with her since the first year of school or something. Monika's confusion trenched since the last few days ago.

After a long stare she finally responded, "I have a few questions to ask." She glanced over her shoulder to see if Haruhi is spying on them, and apparently he is. Monika didn't hesitate to grab Yasuki's wrist and take him out of the classroom.

"Eh? What are you doing?" He asked.

Stopping in the hall she let go of his wrist, "I just needed a private conversation with you, I don't want anybody overhearing anything."

Yasuki scratches his head chuckling.

"What's so funny?" She wondered.

"Nothing, really." He beamed at her, "I didn't think that you'd be that secure. Well, anyways. What did you want to ask?"

Monika quickly think back to the questions she had in mind, "Right." She takes a deep breath and ask, "Be honest with me. Do you remember Yumi at all? I mean, I'm really concerned about so many things lately. I just think that you'd be my last hope."

Yasuki's smile slowly drop. "Yumi?"

Monika sees his expression changed.

"Is that what's on your mind? Yumi?"


"I thought that you'd already understand by now." Yasuki quickly grabs both of her shoulders, "Just stop thinking about her!"

Startled, Monika shrieks. "But she's my friend!"

"Then tell me. Why were you ignoring me? Do you HATE me?!" His grip on her shoulders tighten.

"Stop!" Monika becomes terrified of his raging anger. "You're hurting me!"

Out of nowhere a fist punched Yasuki right on the face. He jerked away from Monika, freeing her from his grip. She glanced to see Haruhi panting as he is ready for a fist fight.

"I told you to be careful, Monika." He said.

"I..." Monika feels speechless.

"But it's alright. I don't mind giving him a lesson of my own." He cracks his knuckles. "Hey, Yasuki."

He spit a broken tooth out of his mouth, then he glares at Haruhi. "I knew I should have gotten rid of you beforehand."

He puff. "Don't joke with me, you're the one who should be gotten rid of. I would have beaten you up if Monika didn't act so genuine to you. After all, nobody even likes you."

Yasuki reached his hand into his pocket and takes out a box cutter. Extending the sharp edges he smirk. "Come at me, beast."

"Monika, go tell the teacher right now!" Haruhi shouted.

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