Chapter Seven

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Standing at the same lamp post Yasuki calls out, "Hey!"

Natsuki's eyes glimmers, she gasps in surprise and runs toward him. "It's you!" She turns toward her mother. "Mom! He's the boy that helped me when I was lost!"

Her mother beamed at Yasuki. "I want to thank you for helping my little angel. You can come to visit us anytime if you want."

"No, it's really nothing." Yasuki scratches his head feeling anxious.

"Ah! I would like to visit your parents and tell them how nice their son is." Said the mother.

"Eh? I--" Yasuki glanced at Natsuki. "Well, my parents are overseas! Yeah, so they won't be home for a while." He lied.

Her mother giggled. "You're really nice you know. Maybe one day you can become my son-in-law."

Natsuki's cute cheeks blushed. "M-mom! He's from a different school!"

"I'm just teasing, dear." She clears her throat. "Well, you seemed to be a really kind person, so I do want you to be her friend. She does have her father's personality and..." She paused. "Forget I said that, but you two have fun. I'll come back to take her home since there's some grocery shopping I have to do."

Yasuki nods as a response. She left the both of them standing awkwardly under the lamp post. Natsuki holds her shirt tightly as if she's really nervous. Yasuki gazed at the blue clear sky. Then he glances at the Hello Kitty plushy that he got from Monika.

"Natsuki, here." He hands her the plushy. "A present for you."

Yasuki averts his eyes, he had to get rid of the plushy before he heads home. His parents wouldn't really let him keep any kind of toy in the house regardless of what kind.

Suddenly her brows furrow in anger, "I'm not girly you know! Who even likes Hello Kitties nowadays?!"

Yasuki was dumbfounded by the sudden changes in her attitude. "No, I don't see you in that way at all. I just thought it'd be nice to give you something cute."

"Well, since it's from you I can't really evade." She snatches the plushy from him.

Their fingers touched, Yasuki's mind suddenly shows a quick image of her in a really formal school uniform as she stood in a high school classroom, but she was standing in front of another boy. Natsuki looked at the plushy as she held it in her hands. He blinked after seeing that.

"That was..." Yasuki kept his eyes down at her.

"Uh, are you alright? You look like you just saw a ghost." Natsuki felt puzzled by his reaction.

Shaking his head he said, "That was probably nothing. Sorry if I spaced out on you."

Yasuki stays with Natsuki until her mother comes to get her, so he took her to a nearby playground. He helped push her on at the swing, she held onto the chains so tightly after the height increased. Yasuki laughed at her reaction.

"Get me down!" Natsuki sounded even more frightened. Stopping it from swinging, she would leap off. She kept her back facing him--shivering her shoulders. "What's wrong?"

Turning around she would burst out crying. "That was scary!"

"Eh?" Yasuki blinked in surprise, then he laughed at it.

"What's so funny?" Her eyes glittered in tears. "I was about to die!"

Clearing his throat he'd smirk. "Sorry, I didn't know you were scared of heights."

Instead of playing in the playground, they decided to sit on a bench. Waiting for her mother to come to pick her up. The silence slowly occupies the atmosphere. Moving on from what happened a moment ago Natsuki asks, "About that manga I got from you."


Their eyes meet.

"My dad was furies about me having it, my mom tries to defend me that I can have whatever hobbies I want, and then they had a fight. My dad looked at me as if he... " Natsuki averts her eyes. "Sorry, I didn't mean to say stuff like this. It's just, I don't have anybody else to share my problems with."

Yasuki thought to himself, thinking that she made it sound like the whole thing about her parents happened because of him. Then again her mother doesn't seem to be that bad of a person.

Yasuki sigh. "I don't mind if you share your problems. In fact, I also have some problems of my own at home too, so I can relate."

They both smiled at each other. After the sky starts to turn orange and the lamps lit up, her mother would take her home. She thanked him for being Natsuki's friend and for keeping her company. Yasuki could tell that her mother didn't want to leave her at home alone... But why.

He began to slowly walk home.

Lil Monika on Saturday:

Lil Monika on Saturday:

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Monika: Don't forget to vote if you like the story so far! Ahaha~

Natsuki: Who are you talking to?

Monika: Erm... I'm just practicing a performance.

Sayori: What kind of performance?!

Monika: *becomes anxious* A-a speech. Yeah, aha, I'm practicing a speech before I graduate high school.

Yuri: But you aren't even in the Student Council.

Monika: *disappears into the hall*

Natsuki: *glances around the club room* Is someone else here with us?

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