Chapter Twenty Five

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That next morning Yumi wakes up to the noises of the alarm clock. Stretching her arms she would go into the bathroom to brush her teeth and brush her hair. She quickly remember the letter that Yasuki wanted her to give to Monika. After Yumi got ready she made herself and her father something to eat. 

"You're up early as usual." He smiled. 

"Stay in bed, dad. You know you haven't recover from your illness yet." Yumi worried. 

She chop the vegetables and pour them into the boiling pot. Her father walks to the table and sit at a chair. 

"You've been taking good care of me, I shouldn't really stay in bed for too long. After all, your mother is the only one working to get us the money to pay our rent." He said. 

"Dad, don't be too concerned. It'll be just four more years and I can get a part time job." Yumi place the plate of food in front of him. 

Her father began coughing. Yumi quickly fill up a cup of water and hands it to him. He takes the cup and drinks it clearing his throat. She continue packing her lunch box and went to the front door, "You don't have to do any cleaning, I'll do it after I come back home." Then she put her shoes on, "Well, I'm off now."

Walking down the sidewalk she sees Haruhi and Monika walking alongside each other. It is part of the their routine, so she didn't try to get jealous over it. Yumi takes a deep breath and approach them. 

"Good morning." She greet them. 

"G-good morning." Monika walks pass her. 

"Hey." Haruhi walked pass her as well. 

Yumi quickly catch up to them. "Monika, I have something to tell you--"

"--Please, don't talk to me today." She evade and walk away.

Yumi halt watching her walk with her head down. Her eyes glared at Haruhi. "You said something to her, didn't you?!" 

"What? I didn't say anything to her today. She acted really dismissive, so I didn't want to bother her. Besides, I respect the privacy that she wants." He continues to walk. "If she wants to act distant then let her be."

Yumi's fingers clutched into a fist. I can't let it be like this. I have to give Monika that letter. Maybe it'll clear things up. Yumi thought to herself, then she proceed to walk to school. 

Monika enters the classroom, as soon as she saw Yasuki she would look away. The school day quickly went by, when lunch time finally comes Yumi reaches into her backpack to take out her bento and the envelope. However, looking at the dire situation Monika wasn't in the classroom. Haruhi sits with the boys ignoring Yasuki and her completely. 

Yumi pouts. Without being tentative about their current problem she walks up to Haruhi and ask "Hey, do you know where Monika went?" 

He shrugged. "I don't know. Can you get away from me now?" He said. 

Yumi felt offended by his sassy attitude, she huffed and walked to where Yasuki sits. She noticed that Monika didn't bring him a lunch box. 

"I'm guessing she didn't come up to you. What a surprise." It honestly wasn't that surprising since she knew that Monika knew about the letter, but she didn't know it was specifically for her. Yumi decides to share half of her bento with Yasuki. 

"Thank you." He thanked her. 

"It's really nothing, I don't really feel like eating today." Yumi gazed at how he eats. "You must be really hungry." 

Yasuki paused as he glanced around the room to see if anyone is spying on them, "Did you give her the letter?" He whisper. 

Yumi shook her head sadly smiling. 

"Oh..." Yasuki puts the chopsticks down. "Well, it's alright! Just take your time." 

Yumi couldn't bring the urge to tell him about the dire situation that the both of them are in. He looked so innocent and strange, thinking to herself that maybe that's the reason why Monika admire him. Yasuki is always himself in any situation, she didn't want to ruin her own friendship, however, everything becomes a heavy chain locked on her ankle. Yumi felt stuck. And the fact that Haruhi hates her after she tries to confess to him. 

Yasuki takes the onions from her bento. "I'm guessing you don't want that." He smiled, happily.

Yumi ends up smiling along. "Yeah... You can have all the food if you want." 

When lunch ends she sees Monika entering the classroom and sits next to her like usual. Something strange was that she didn't have a bento with her. Yumi didn't ask any questions, though she still have the envelope with her. She could just pass the envelope to Monika without saying anything, but then rejected the idea and let the school day proceed. 

Yumi quickly calls her name, "Monika." 

As soon as she does so Monika would have already left the classroom, evading everything that she wanted to say. Yumi sees Haruhi following her out the room as well. 

"I can see that you guys are having a tough understanding." Yasuki comes up to her. 

Yumi didn't want to blame herself, she didn't want everything to be like this. "Why do you have to be part of my group of friends?" 

Yasuki blinked. "W-what?" 

"Everything that you do is awful." Yumi glares at him. "This letter that you hand me is the problem to my friends and me." 

Right in front of him she rips the envelope in two pieces, she toss it on the floor. "Why did you do that?" Yasuki bends down to grab the ripped envelope. He weakly gazed at her angry face, it looked just like the same expression that his mother gave him.

"If you hadn't given me the letter, if you hadn't been the center of Monika's attention, then Haruhi wouldn't hate me so much." Yumi said,  "You're the problem to everything."

"Why are you suddenly like this?" Yasuki felt puzzled to the  sudden change in her attitude. 


"AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" The voice in his head laughed. "What did I tell you? She's just like everybody else. Why don't you show her the true feeling of struggle?"

Yasuki covers his ears. "No, no..." The voice began pestering him once again. "Is that true, Yumi? You hate me? AM I A PEST TO YOU?!" 

His eyes began to see a illusion of Yumi's evil grinning face. "You don't deserve Monika's concern and kindness." 

Her voice sounded demonic. Yasuki dash toward her and grabs her neck, pushing her against the floor. "DIE!" She began suffocating as he strangle her. 

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