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At eighteen years old Monika attends her third year in high school. Everyday she gets love mails from random boys and sometimes even girls. She grown to just live with it and ignore all the love mails that's always in her shoe locker sometimes in at her house mailbox. However, there is one specific mail that isn't in such a colorful envelope. Like they weren't even giving it effort. Monika take the envelope with her to school.

Monika got to her shoe locker and changed to her school shoes. She closed the locker and head to class like what she would usually do. Sitting down on her seat. Out of the blues two  girls suddenly comes up to her.

"Did you hear that a new student just transferrer here?!" The first girl told her.

"A new student?" Monika blinked. "Who?"

"I don't know his name, but they say he's quite handsome!"

"That's because I saw him!" The other girl added. "He has natural red hair and yellow eyes!"

"Eh? I, I see." Monika didn't feel too excited about it.

Dismissing the conversation she turns her head looking out the window. There is just simply nothing for her to do. "Maybe I'll just make a Literature Club." She mumble to herself.

The school bell rings, everybody walks back to their assigned seats as the teacher walks into the classroom. He stood at the front placing his attendance book down on the table. "Class, today you all will be having a new student. Please, come in."

He opens the door and step into the classroom. He grabs a chalk and writes his name on the chalkboard, then he turns back to the whole class. "My name is Yasuki." He didn't know what else to say.

"Alright then, go to the seat at the back of the classroom." Said the teacher.

Yasuki walks toward Monika's direction and went pass her seat. She suddenly sense something coming from him. She couldn't tell what it is. He sits right where the teacher told him to sit. Monika gazed away thinking that it was probably nothing.

Curious Monika opens the envelope during lunch, it contains a letter that is pretty long unlike the others that she have received, and it wasn't just any papers it's also papers ripped from a composition notebook.

After reading the letter she glanced over her shoulder to see Yasuki gazing back at her. Something is about to happen that she wasn't ready for. He stands up from his seat walking up to her and ask, "What are you reading?"

"I'm just reading something random." She hide the letter sliding it in her desk.

Yasuki beamed at her. "Do you want to go get some lunch together? I brought some lunch money. It's the least I can do for you."

Monika didn't decline. Simply she just nodded, standing up from her seat heading toward the door. Yasuki is still new to the school so she lead him to the school cafeteria. He tries not to be awkward toward her, rather he try to remind her about something very important to him.

"Monika, I have something to tell you."

"What is it?"

Yasuki grabs her hand, "I love you."

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