Chapter Six

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That Saturday morning Monika wakes up with her giraffe plushy laying next to her. She fixes her bed before going to the bathroom. That whole morning she thought if Yasuki would actually show up to meet them at Haruhi's house. Wearing her casual clothes she smirks at herself in the mirror.

Then something pops up in her mind. Monika goes into her closet and searches for something she received from Haruhi. Although it was wrapped around a box as a present, the ribbon looked so pretty that she couldn't throw it away. Finally, she found it and tried to tie it around her hair, making a ponytail while the white ribbon looked like a bow. Brightly she smiled at the mirror once again.

Rushing down the stairs Monika eats breakfast with her mother and father. It's the weekend so most of the time her parents stay home. She glanced at the clock, then quickly eats her food. Monika goes to the front door to wear her shoes.

"Have fun and be safe." Her mother called out.

"Okay, mom!" Monika shuts the door and walks out of the apartment.

She arrives at Haruhi's house, after knocking on the door his mother let her in. Monika sees him and three other friends sitting on the couch. Glancing around she asks, "Where's Yasuki?"

"He hasn't shown up yet," Haruhi informed. "I mean, c'mon. He doesn't look like he could make it since he seems really docile. Surely his parents wouldn't let him come with us."

"Hey, I'm not deaf, alright. If you say something mean to him anytime today then I will break your knuckles." Monika went to sit with the other girl.

"You look different today." Said the girl.

"I just thought it would be nice to have a ponytail for once since I don't want my hair to be in the way when I'm going to play on DDR machine--I mean, it's my favorite type of exercise to have while having fun, Yumi." Monika giggled.

"Then I'll beat you to it." Haruhi jumps into the conversation.

"Oh! I have an idea!" Yumi stands up. "Why don't we all play DDR and the loser gets to buy everybody desserts! Everyone did bring money, right."

Everybody nods as a response.

"Alright! Let's go!"

"Wait!" Monika's brows twist. "We can't go without Yasuki."

"As I said, I don't think he's coming." Haruhi walks to the door.

Monika's brows furrow in frustration. She was looking forward to showing him how fun it is to have friends, or rather to have fun in general. As Haruhi opens the door they all see Yasuki standing there, he was about to knock on the door. Monika was surprised to actually see him.

"Uh, huh?" Haruhi looked really dumbfounded as well. "You're here?"

"I..." Yasuki paused, trying to turn his thoughts into words. "My parents gave me permission."

*  *  *

Everybody finally arrives at the arcade. Yasuki has never seen so many machines in one place before, instead, he just gapes at the games around him. His eyes dart to Monika and Haruhi, they stood in line to a--Yasuki glanced at the sign above the machine--DDR machine.

"Dance Dance Revolution, the best game format to play while also exercising!" Yumi stood next to him.

Yasuki blinked. His mind wanders to Monika and Haruhi, thinking that they're going to compete in dance. Yumi grabs his hand.

"C'mon! Before the line gets longer. It'll be our turn to dance!" She giggled.

Yasuki began to feel anxious, he has really never played such a game before. It wouldn't really be competition since he knows he'll lose the first time he's going to try, probably the last after experiencing. Yasuki watched carefully as Monika and Haruhi dances, the beginning looked easy, but then the arrows fasten and so does their pace after a while. It makes him feel even more anxious.

After watching for a while Monika's movement changes and the both of them seemed like they could lose any second now. The place starts to become claustrophobic with the increase of the crowds, Yasuki immediately left the line and rush toward a much wider area, Yumi was still distracted with the battle they're still having,

Yasuki stood next to a crane machine, then he gazed around the machines. He notices two kids his age standing in front of a random crane machine.

"I want that yellow duck!" The girl demanded.

"Didn't you already have a giant cow in your room?" The boy scratches his head.

"But I want that duck! I'll assure you that it'll be with new friends if you get it for me." The girl pouts.

The boy sigh. "Fine, but if we run out of coins then we won't be able to play anymore games, alright?" She nods as she beamed at him. He began to insert the first coin and make his first attempt.

"Hey, Yasuki." Monika comes up to him, panting. "Yumi told me you disappeared from the line."

Slowly he gazed at her new hairstyle. He wants to compliment her, yet he couldn't bring out the urge to say anything. Yasuki just simply felt speechless every time she starts a conversation with him.

"You want to go try the DDR machine?" Monika suddenly asks.

Yasuki shook his head.

"I see." Monika looks around the arcade. "I brought money with me if you want anything just ask me. It's my treat. Oh! And in a bit, we're going to a cafe to get desserts before we go home today."

Yasuki caught Haruhi gazing at them. Quickly avoiding the conversation he points at the crane machine behind Monika. She turns toward it.

"Ah, you want to get the plushy?" She wondered.

Yasuki suddenly notices what is in the crane machine, plushy of Hello Kitties. Even though he felt so embarrassed he still nods to Monika's question. However, she didn't comment about his random choice, yet she is simply determined to get the Hello Kitty for him. Yasuki stays beside her as she moves the crane around before grabbing one of the plushy. Her first attempt she failed, slowly Yasuki glance at the two kids from across them. The boy was really focused, but Yasuki's eyes meet the girl's eyes. The red bow on her head is just hanging from her hair. He notices her sad eyes just peering through him.

Wasn't she happy a moment ago? Yasuki glanced back to Monika with that thought still running in his mind. After what seemed like endless attempts she was finally able to get the Hello Kitty plushy for him. He gently held it in his hands.

Monika looks at the time. "It's actually time to go meet the others at the cafe." Without waiting for Yasuki's reply, she instantly grabs his hand and rushes out of the arcade. He finds himself glancing over his shoulder, looking at that sad girl before they exit the building.

When they ate desserts Yasuki ate the most dessert out of them all. Haruhi and the boys were already full. Monika was really surprised and impressed with his apatite.

After such a long day everyone walked back to the small crosswalks together and disperse to their home. "See you at school." Monika waved at Yasuki before he goes in his own direction. He nods as a response. She starts walking home with Haruhi.

Yasuki looks at the Hello Kitty in his hand. Everything was actually fun today until he had to think about what he did this morning. He left his bedroom window wide open.

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