Chapter Eleven

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"Yuri, Yuri! That big fat ugly!" Shouted a boy.

Everybody laughed along. Her purple eyes overflow with tears, helplessly crying at the corner of the school playground. She covered her face even though everybody knows she's crying, yet they continue to pester her.

"Hey, guys! I think it would be better to lock her in the shed! She's better off not being seen!" All the boys grabs Yuri by the arms and pulled her, some of them even pulled her hair.

"No! I don't want to go there! Nobody even checks that place! Please, I don't want to be there!" Yuri sobbed as she pleases them, but they didn't listen. They threw her into the shed and closed the door. She banged her fists against the door, "Help! Help! Somebody!" Slowly she gives up on making banging noises after she heard the kids running back into the building. "Help..." She squirms.

"Mommy... Daddy..." Yuri sits in the dark with just the crack at the bottom of the door letting out a little sunlight. "I just want to be alone, but why does it feel even more painful when others don't want to be with me?"

After a long silent time Yuri stands up, she put her hand against the wall as she walks to the other side of the shed. Halfway through the shed, she felt a wooden table squeaking, it didn't seem like a durable table. However, she proceeds to run her hands on the surface of it. Something sharp suddenly cut her finger.


Carefully she placed her hands on the sharp item trying to figure out what it is. With her eyes being in the dark for so long her vision slowly adjust to the environment. Yuri sees a rusted knife sitting in front of her, carefully she holds it.

"It's so rusty, maybe I'll add it to my collection of broken toys. Though it doesn't seem like the toys they play with. I guess it doesn't matter it's alone in this dark place just like me, so it wouldn't be fair if I leave it here." Yuri looks back at the door. "We're going to get out of here together."

She didn't hesitate but to use the rusty knife, placing it near where the doorknob is and jerking the knife until wooden pieces of the door come off. Yuri's eyes watched the knife closely as it rips apart the wooden door, her heart began to pace. She tries not to think about the sentiment thinking that it is probably herself feeling exhausted for constantly impaling the door.

Yuri pushed the door open finally freeing herself from that dark shed. She sees kids already walking home, then she glanced at the rusty knife and hides it behind her back. However, the kids ignored her every day so she technically didn't have to hide the knife since it does look rusty already.

Yuri rushed into the building to get her backpack and walk home like she usually does, but then she couldn't find her backpack. "I swear I could have left it in the classroom."

A bunch of kids giggled in the halls. "She won't find it, don't worry!"

Yuri immediately dashed into the halls finding the boys from early. "H-have you seen my... B-backpack?" She could already feel herself shaking in fear.

"No, have you?" Everybody laughed. It wasn't even a joke at all but they all laughed like it was the funniest thing ever said.

Then a boy comes up to Yuri. "What's that you got there?"

She quickly runs away from the boys before they could grab her, she ran as quickly as she could. Without stopping she left the building forgetting her backpack, Yuri didn't want to be surrounded by idiots.

She pant at a lamp post. Gasping, she saw a girl her age sitting on a swing. Her hands slowly open a bento. Yuri swallows as her stomach rumbles, she didn't get to eat the whole day. Her food was taken by the bullies, she was made fun of for eating so much and worst of all they threw her into that old shed. Yuri slowly walks up to the girl, gripping tightly onto her knife she hopes to defend herself if that girl ever attacks her.

"Are you alone?" Yuri tries to make her voice sound as calm as possible. 

"Uh, yeah. I'm alone." The girl replied in a gentle voice as well. 

Her grip on the knife loosen, she didn't want to harm her she looked so nice. "Can I sit with you?" Something she hasn't asked someone in a while now. 

The girl nod as a response. Her greens eyes looked so pretty, like jades, or like any kind of green. Yuri couldn't bring herself to stop staring at the food on the girl's lap. It all looked so delicious, she tries not to drool in front of the girl. 

"Aren't you going to eat that?" Quickly Yuri apologizes. "I, I'm sorry! I just couldn't help myself!"

She thought that the girl would think she's a beggar and a fat girl who doesn't have manners toward a random stranger. However, her reply softens Yuri's negative thoughts.

"Yeah, you can give it as long as you give me back the bento." The girl smiled so genuinely as if Yuri's attitude isn't a problem at all. 

She takes the bento from her lap and starts eating small pieces at a time--to show that she isn't just being fat. Yuri smiled at the taste of the food, it does look like something her mother would cook for her bento. 

"Did you made it?" Asking that question she felt dumb, it's obvious the girl didn't make it herself!

"No, my mother made it. It was supposed to be for someone else, but I guess you need it more than he does." The girl gently giggled to herself. 

"Eh? This is for whom?! A-another boy? S, sorry if I took it without any respect!" Yuri felt awful for knowing that, she didn't even like herself anymore. 

"It's fine, he didn't show up to school today so you can take it." Her expression looked like she felt guilty for telling Yuri that. Averting her eyes she began to feel shy toward that girl's kindness and for apologizing so much, too. 

  "I'm still sorry though. I knew I shouldn't have looked at the bento for too long." Yuri could feel her guilt swallowing her entire emotions as her brows twists.  

  "H-hey! Don't cry!" The girl noticed her. "I wasn't being too mean, am I?" She wondered. 

"No, you weren't mean at all." Yuri glanced back at the girl. "I'm sorry for exaggerating the situation. It's just I've been trying to starve myself so I would lose weight." She feels a stab at herself after telling such lies. 

"No! You're not fat at all!" 

Yuri's eyes glimmers at the girl's optimism, her words and reaction are different from everything she has experienced over the past years. 

"Whoever called you that doesn't know at all--I mean, I may not be able to relate to your problem, but I might be able to help you." Said the girl, smirking without a doubt.

"You're willing to help me?" Yuri smiles back at her. 

"Here's the thing! Don't starve yourself, just try to maximize the amount of food you consume and then drink something healthy! Like," The girl glanced across the playground to a nearby vending machine. "Something healthy like tea!"

"Thank you!" Yuri tries to sound enthusiastic as possible. "I'll take your advice for it!" Then she neatly put the bento back on the girl's lap. Yuri stands up and walks off the playground, she turns around waving at the girl and she waves back. Suddenly Yuri sees the silhouette of a boy standing just beyond the bushes of the park. 

"RUN! GET OUT OF HERE!"  Said an unfamiliar voice inside her head. 

Something suddenly pushed her to run away from the playground, Yuri saw it and wanted to help alarm that girl, yet it scared her and she couldn't do anything but run. 

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