Chapter Twenty Seven

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The following next morning Monika wakes up to get ready for school. Her routine didn't change, although she felt that something has changed. Like something about her day is missing. However, she didn't wonder what it is that she's feeling.

"Good morning!" Monika greeted him.

"Morning." Haruhi proceeds to walk ahead of her.

Monika did feel guilty for making him upset yesterday. Then she remembered that he mentioned a promise that she couldn't remember. Quickly she tries to ignore it. Walking along the sidewalk she realized that Yumi isn't at the same crosswalk that they'd meet every morning. Monika just kept walking to school without talking to Haruhi assuming that he is still upset.

Glancing over her shoulder she didn't see Yasuki sitting alone in the corner of the classroom. Strange enough the table is actually removed from the room, and plus the fact that Yumi isn't in class either. Monika then sees Yasuki suddenly entering the classroom heading to Yumi's spot and sits there. She quickly turns toward him.

"Why are you sitting there?" Monika asked.

"Eh?" Yasuki scratches his head. "This has been my seat since the beginning of the year."

Monika was flabbergasted by his words. "No, it's Yumi's seat since the beginning of the year. Your seat was at the back of the room."

"I think you're hallucinating a friend there." He smiled.

"No... " She can't believe anything. It's like Yumi's existence is completely gone.

"Is there something wrong?" Haruhi asked.

"Hey, Haruhi." Monika turns to him. "Could you tell me who Yumi is?"

"Who's that? I've never heard a name like that before." Haruhi replied. 

Even during attendance check the teacher didn't even question Yumi's absence nor her name. Nobody acknowledged the fact that she has somehow mysteriously disappeared. Yasuki on the other hand is currently sitting on her spot. Monika becomes even more puzzled. The school day went by without Yumi's presence, usually she would come and asked her random questions. 

With the school day ending everybody packed their things. Monika put her books back into her backpack, then she noticed the same envelope slipping out of her composition notebook.

"What's this?" She wondered.

Glancing around the classroom people were still in the classroom conversing before they leave. Instead of opening it she just slide it into her backpack, and walks out with Haruhi and the other boy. Yasuki was at the corner of her eyes as she proceeds to leave the room... he was smiling at something. 

Haruhi looks at her blank expression then averts his eyes,"So, about that Yumi girl that you asked." 

"You know about her?!" Monika was intrigued by him acknowledging Yumi's name. 

"Well, not really. I may have exaggerated when I said I don't know the name, but I do know someone that knows her. I mean, she doesn't go to our school, so that's probably why nobody knows her." Said Haruhi. 

"Oh." Monika still couldn't wrap it around her head. "Can you tell me what school she's at?" 

Haruhi replies, "Saikyou Primary, it's a public school where one of my cousins attend to."

"I've heard of that school before." Monika takes a deep breath and grips on her backpack straps with a new found determination. "I'm gonna go explore!" 

"Explore?!" He repeated. "Are you out of your mind? We're just kids! We can't enter any schools that we wish to access to!"

"Haruhi." Monika gives him a serious stare. "Yumi is my friend." 

"Eh?" He felt speechless. 

Monika didn't care about the sudden changes in her life. Thinking that there must have been something wrong that she did to push Yumi out of her life. After all, that same letter Yasuki gave her is now in her hands. 

She got home without eating any dinner. Monika couldn't wait to open the envelope to see what is stored inside. Setting her backpack aside she would take it out. Monika gently opens the envelope. Slowly she would unfold the folded letter and peer at what's written on it. 

"This is," She couldn't read the writing, "A bunch of gibberish?" 

The letter is like nonsense, however, it is from Yasuki. It must have been a clue for something that I myself probably wouldn't understand. Thinking about it Monika suddenly remembered what happened in her dream. She remember the dream being clear, but after looking at the letter the dream began to compact itself into her memories. Monika could understand something that she hasn't thought of, yet she's still puzzled by the main focus of Yasuki's motivation to do such horrible things. 

Monika drops the letter onto the floor as she stood there frozen. From thin air there is something--someone pulling her down. She couldn't resist its coerces, she just ends up being frightened of its appearance. Monika screamed as her eyes began to burst out with tears. 

"Don't scream so loud." Its voice sounded faint yet familiar. 

She ran to the door, but its speed was faster than normal. It moved right in front of the door with just a blink of an eye. Monika quickly runs toward the window to open it, but she couldn't get it to budge. She stops trying and continued weeping as she covers her eyes from the dark figure. 

After a silent moment she uncovers her eyes, slowly she glanced around the room. Fortunately there were nothing there. Then she noticed that letter on the ground. It was tore in half like someone intentionally ripped it apart.

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