Chapter Twenty Six

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Haruhi's memories from seven years ago:

"Who's the birthday girl?"

Monika runs to her father laughing. "Daddy!"

Her father carries her. "Wow, you're four years old now! And you're getting heavy."

The other kids were in the living room, as enthusiastic as they are the kids plays tag. Monika sees a boy sitting at the corner holding a present box with his quivering hands. She walks up to him, "Hi! I'm Monika!"

"Yeah, I know who you are." He averts his eyes. "My name is Haruhi."

She glanced at the present in his hands. "Is that for me?"

Haruhi's brows narrow. "Yeah, but it's what my parents wants me to give to you, so here."

He hands her the present. Monika smiled happily as she bring it to the pile of presents in the corner of the room. She comes back to grab his hand. "Come play with me and the others. I don't want you to feel left out on the fun."

Haruhi didn't decline the offer and went in to join the kids. Then he overheard the adults talk.

"Gosh, your son looks so cute with my daughter." Said Monika's mother.

"Ah, you know. Kids may just be having fun now but they'll one day fall in love with one another. It's almost nostalgic to be honest." Haruhi's father laughed.

The adults laughed and chuckled. The kids played for a while until the adults takes out the cake for Monika to blow the candles. Haruhi sits at the couch just listening to the kids and adults singing the birthday song to her. After that they began to slice the cake and give pieces to the kids. They scattered in the living room eating and enjoying the delicious cake.

Sitting there someone suddenly hands Haruhi a plate of the cake. He looks up to see Monika holding it, so he accepted it and began eating as well. She sits beside him. It was quiet between them until she start the conversation, "You seemed awfully sad."

"I'm just not used to running around the house and making loud noises, that's all." Haruhi looks at her.

"Then you want to hang out sometimes? My parents just moved into this apartment and this part of the city too." Said Monika.

"Does that mean you're transferring to my school?" He wondered.

"Yup! And I'm really excited to meet new people!" Monika smiled confidently.

After her birthday party Monika began attending to Haruhi's school. The first day that she did attend everybody admires her intelligence and creativity already. He couldn't believe that someone his age is much more smarter than him.

"You're so smart!" Yumi complimented her.

"Thanks, but don't treat me different just because I am. I would also like to know what you guys like and stuff." Monika smiled.

Everyday at school she was always at the corner of his eyes. Quickly as the months pass by they began to have friends sleepover, birthday parties and fun after school activities. Haruhi who is only a few months older than Monika slowly has a crush on her. Although there are other boys their age trying to ask her out she rejected them all.

"Boys these days." Monika sigh.

"Y-yeah." Haruhi averts his eyes, knowing that he would be in that circle of the rejected boys if he ever try to confess to her.

"At least you're not like them. You're truly a friend for me." Monika smiled gazing ahead of them.

"Don't you at least like a boy?" He asked hoping for a answer.

"Heh? Ahaha!" Monika jumps in front of him turning toward his direction, he halts. "A boy that I like? I can't really tell you yet, but maybe when we're old enough I'll tell you. Well, as long as you are willing to wait that long that is."

"What are you trying to say?" Haruhi questioned.

Monika giggled. "Just promise me you will wait." She put out her pinky.

Haruhi smiled. "I promise I'll wait for you to tell me." He also put out his pinky and wrap their fingers together.

Monika adds, "And if you break this promise, then...."


Haruhi walks alongside Monika, "Hey."

"What is it?"

He looks at the clear blue sky. "It's your eleventh birthday next week. Does your parents plan on celebrating it?"

Monika looks at a random direction. "I don't know. It's all up to my parents. They either want to celebrate it or just dismiss the plan and give me gifts without a proper celebration."

Haruhi quickly grabs Monika's wrist, they halted just to look at each other's eyes. With a silent pause he promptly speaks up, "If you want, we can celebrate your birthday at my house. I'll even ask Yumi and Yasuki to come too. Besides, my parents don't mind having my friends over--Of course you know that already."

Monika blushed. "Y-you're always so thoughtful." Slowly she would move her hand away from him. "I guess that'll work. I won't mind doing that if Yumi and... Yasuki is there."

"If you don't want Yasuki there then I won't invite him!" Haruhi immediately said so.

"I don't mind having them at your house. I'm just concerned that maybe his parents doesn't want that. I mean, every weekend we're always doing something, but Yasuki's parents are very strict on what he do. I just didn't want him to get abuse every week." Monika stated.

Haruhi tries to smile. "Is Yasuki the only thing on your mind? Every time you speak of his name it makes me feel more and more distant from you. It's like you're falling into a deep hole that I can't reach in."

"Of course not! I don't always think about him. I am concerned about you and Yumi too--"

"--You're not being honest, Monika!" Both of Haruhi's hands curls into fists. "You're going to be eleven years old soon! We're almost the same age! Why can't you just think about what I think for once?"

"Haruhi, calm down."

"I can't be calm! In a situation like this I can't! Ever since Yasuki comes into our lives he's always knocking things down, our connection, our communication, and soon our friendship!" He felt too frustrated. "What next to you want him to knock? Our future?"

Monika didn't respond to his words.

"You really are so oblivious." Haruhi just wanted to beat him up.

Slowly she grab his arm with both hands, he quickly back away from her. "Don't tell me you forgot about the promise we made."

"What promise are you talking about?" Monika looked puzzled.

Haruhi tries not to let any tears fall, holding it in he would turn away. "Nothing. Forget about the celebration." Then he walks away.

It concerned Monika, yet at the same time she couldn't remember what promise they made. Even when she did try to remember she would have a headache from it.

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