Chapter Fourteen

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At the Literature Club room, Monika slides the door open to see dozens of pieces of papers flying around the room, the window across from her was wide open. The curtain flutters along with the windy breeze. Then she noticed a boy standing next to the window, his eyes gazed back at hers.

"Who are you?" Monika asked.

"I think you should have already know my name. We were in the same school before, you were really attached to me." He smiles. "And yet you betrayed me just like that."

"What are you talking about? I don't even know you!" Monika's head suddenly aches, like a rock being smacked against her head.

"Remember, Monika! Remember all those times we spent within that two weeks. You and I were perfect for each other." The boy's body began to glitch.

"Y-you, you don't exist in this time?" Monika scrutinized his familiar face, then her eyes gazed at his hands. His hands were stained red. "Did you kill someone?"

His grinning mouth widens. "I'm so glad you noticed, and yes I killed him for you. As long as he exists this club will always end up being a misery. To think that your god is just a video game programmer he doesn't know any better but to put my precious Monika in such a dangerous position. The game will no longer work if he is gone, and so everything I've accomplished is for your sake. Now you can live normally and the festival won't be canceled." The boy comes up to Monika holding her cheek with his bloody hands. "I know the game doesn't let you say my name, but at least we're together for real now. You won't be deleted by anyone anymore. Your story will no longer be played over and over again."

His yellow eyes constantly stare at Monika's green eyes. "Oh! How can I forget Natsuki, Yuri, and Sayori? They're all your friends, after all, so don't worry I didn't do anything to their files. I've gotten rid of their distress--something you wouldn't be able to do on your own. I did everything I could in my ability to make your world perfect. Nobody has to die ever again."

Monika slowly kneels down on the floor feeling defeated. "What do you want from me?"

"Oh?" He happily walks to the pile of papers. "I want you to stay by my side forever. Be my pen and complete my poem--complete me, Monika."

"You're not..." Monika slowly glanced back at his devilish eyes. "You're not the friend that I once knew of." 

The boy's body looked unstable, especially the fact that he's still glitching. He began picking up the pieces of papers that were scattered across the floor.

"Tomorrow is Saturday, let's go to that theme park that we promised, Monika. I'm sure you haven't forgotten the promise that I once broke eight years ago. I'm here to fulfill that promise and also to fulfill your wish. After all, we are the only two who realize that this is a game, for those 3D humans that are." He neatly put the stacked papers on a desk, then he would carefully close the window.

Monika slowly stands up. "Take me back."


"Take me back to the past!"

The boy burst out laughing. "Are you that ignorant that I would just let you go change what has been changed? Don't act all heroic, you can't even save me from my devastating life. How can you save Natsuki, Yuri, and Sayori's devastating life? The job's been done, there's nothing else that needs to change."

Monika glanced at the window. She suddenly remembers that she also has administration privileges too. Just before the boy could fully turn around she dashed toward him as she wraps her arms around him. She thrust the both of them out the window shattering the glasses.

"If you won't take me to the past then I will, and we're going together!" Monika immediately tries to find the changed files before they hit the ground.


While falling the setting quickly changes after she successfully found the changed file. Monika wakes up to the sudden sound of the loud thunder roaring outside. She quickly glanced around the room, everything about it seemed familiar. Then she glanced down at her body where she noticed that she has shrunk. Monika suddenly sees a cute giraffe plushy laying beside her, though it is a very familiar toy she lost after moving out of the apartment. She slowly hugs it.

A thundering roar suddenly startled Monika, she glanced down at her hands noticing that she is shaking. "Am I scared of thunder?" Thinking back she used to be really frightened of thunder when she was little.

She quickly glanced at her alarm clock. "I've traveled back to the past, but on Saturday 1 AM. Is this the day where he dies?"

Monika and Yasuki:

Monika and Yasuki:

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