Chapter Thirteen

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The club room door slides open, "Hi, Monika." 

"Oh hey, Yuri. You're here earlier than before." She looked at her. 

"Huh? What do you mean? I've always been early. Did you hit your head or something, Monika?" Yuri comes up to her. "You seemed pale, are you sick?" 

"I don't know. I kind of have a headache..." Especially the fact that she just woke up sitting in the club room.

"Do you need me to take you to the nurse?" Yuri looked concerned. 

Monika shook her head as a response. "No, I think I can manage without the nurse. I'll be fine, Yuri. Don't worry too much about me." 

"Tomorrow's Saturday, can't you believe it?" Yuri smiled as she strolls to her usual seat in the room which is at the front.

Monika suddenly realized something that she said, "Wait, tomorrow?" 

"Yeah, we needed more members so we discussed preparing for the festival together. Except Natsuki was being a hassle." Yuri gazed at her from across the room. "Are you sure you didn't hit your head? We can go--" 

"--No!" Monika immediately stands up from her seat. "Yuri! Do you remember Sayori?! She's the Vice President!" 

"Uh... Who?" Yuri began to act shy. "But I'm the only Vice President here..." 

Monika was shaken by her words. She couldn't believe her ears, somebody she wanted to get rid of has mysteriously vanished without a trace. Natsuki slides the door open just to walk into the awkward silence they have. 

"Uh, is everything alright?" As soon as she asked the question Monika dash out of the club room. 

"No! I haven't even done anything to the files, yet it's changing on its own!" Monika ran toward Sayori's resident. She quickly bangs her hand against her door, making sure she would hear it from her bedroom. Her eyes dart to the house beside her house, everything is so quiet. "Is he gone too?" 

With a surprise Sayori actually come open the door for Monika, she asks, "Who are you? And why are you banging on my door?" 

"Wait, you don't remember me? I'm your friend, Sayori." Monika tries to say something she might remember. 

"Sorry, I don't know who you are." She looked even more puzzled than Monika does. 

Monika sigh. "Can I come in the house? I want to ask you a few questions, please? I promise it won't take long." 

"This is so strange," Sayori mumbled. "First I found a noose in my room and then a random girl bangs on my front door." 

"Are you talking to me?" 

"Oh, no. I was talking to myself." Sayori leads Monika to the living room, they sat on the sofa next to each other. "Anyways, what do you want to ask?" 

Monika's eyes glanced around the house before she could think of a question. She felt so confused. "I want to start from the beginning. I started a Literature Club in school, before anything happened you were there to help me set up the club and became Vice President. Do you remember that?" 

Sayori rubs her chin as her brows narrow. "You're awfully familiar, but I don't quite know what you're talking about." 

Monika averts her eyes. "Alright then, how about your neighbor? That boy that you grew up with?" 

She then glanced back at Sayori, her eyes suddenly went wide open. "How did you know him?" 

"Eh? Well," Monika blushed. "I, I don't know him really. I was just investigating." 

"My childhood friend..." Sayori looked in a random direction. "I thought you would already know it by now, but he has been dead for eight years now."

"Eight years?" Monika still couldn't believe her ears. "Eight years." She repeated. 

Sayori sadly smiles. "I haven't spoken about it until now." 

Shaking that thought Monika wanted to clarify it. "Can you tell me how he died?" 

"S-sorry." Sayori grabs her arm, gripping onto it tightly. "I rather not talk about it. It's really not something I can handle when thinking about it, but I enjoyed your company. You can now leave, I want to be alone for a bit."

"Okay." Monika stands up, she stood after her. "I'll come back tomorrow to talk more about... some other things. Will that be fine with you?"

She nodded as a response. "I'm fine with it." She still smiled sadly. 

Monika walks out of the house as Sayori quickly closed the door and locking it. She couldn't shake it off, the fact that he was dead many years ago. Walking back to school she noticed that same familiar boy walking into the school building. Monika clears her mind and follows that boy, he went up the flights of stairs until he reached the third floor, and eventually, she notices that he went into the Literature Clubroom. The boy shut the door after he entered, she didn't hesitate and rush to the door roughly sliding the door open. 

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