Chapter Nine

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"Did you see the police patrol last night?" Asked Yumi. 

Monika glanced at her sadly smiling as she nods. "Yeah, I saw it." Thinking back to what happened last night she couldn't shake it off her mind. A hand grabs Monika's shoulder. Startled she would turn toward him. "Oh. I-it's just you, Haruhi."

"Don't tell me you're having nightmares because of it." Walking pass her friends he would turn toward them. "But no worries, whoever tries to hurt you I'll be there to protect you." 

"Don't be so cocky." Yumi pouts. 

"But I'm serious--" 

"--Oh really? Then how come you are so scared of girls?!" 


Monika starts giggling, it quickly becomes a laugh. "Guys, it's nothing that serious to fight over. Whoever was following me I'm sure they're not around anymore. The police made sure to double-check the streets." 

Yumi sigh. They all got to school trailing off the topic. Monika's eyes once again glanced around the classroom--he still hasn't shown up, her brows twists. Before the school bell rings Yasuki comes into the classroom panting at the door. Monika's eyes light up seeing his presence once again. Everybody locked their gazes at him, slowly he becomes anxious, and everybody went back to their seats as the bell rings. The teacher gently taps his head with her attendance record book. 

"Get to your seat, kid." Then she smiled. "Welcome back."

Yasuki quickly rushes to his seat. Monika kept her eyes on him as he sat, his movement was a bit off. The way he steadily sat on his chair like a feeble person. Letting the class proceed with the attendance Monika tries not to assume anything. 

As soon as lunch starts Yasuki stands up from his seat and left the classroom without waiting for Monika to get bento. She quickly grabs the two box lunches in her backpack. 

"Hey," Yumi calls out to Monika. "Come eat with us. I brought fried squi--" 

"--Sorry! Not now. I have something to do with the teachers so I'll be eating with her for a while!" And she walks out of the classroom. 

"That's strange." Yumi put her hand on her chin. "She told me to bring squid for lunch so she can eat them with everybody." 

Haruhi sits beside her. "Hey, Yumi." 


"Do you think Monika is... In love with Yasuki?" Haruhi gives her a serious stare. 

Yumi obliviously smirk. "You're so childish! You're watching too much anime, heh? Assuming too much isn't good for your mental health ya know. Besides, she is only doing what she is told by the teacher. Her academic skills could already bump her up a notch which means she is supposed to be in Junior High right now, yet she is determined to stay with her fellow friends." Her eyes dart to Haruhi. "It sometimes makes me wonder what she's thinking every day when she looked at us."

"What do you mean she is determined? Are you saying she has some kind of motive?" His brows narrowed. 

Yumi takes a bite of the fried squid. "Delicious!" 

"Hey! Don't just ignore my questions! I'm really curious here!" Haruhi's brows furrow in frustration. 

Yumi shrugged. "How should I know, I'm not even her." Her gaze softens with her gentle smirk. "If you're that curious, then why don't you ask Monika herself. I'm sure she'll tell you a thing or two. Although there is a possibility that she might evade your questions."

Haruhi averts his eyes as she consumes a whole fried squid from her large bento. While chewing the squid in her mouth she asked, "Want some?" 

He stands up from the seat. "I'm going to the teacher's office. I want to talk to Monika. I do think that I deserve to know what her thought is about that Yasuki boy." 

Covering her mouth she smiled. "Oh? Are you that jealous that you want to confront your love to her?" 

Haruhi blushed. "I, I don't like her in that way! She is the only true friend I have, and I'm not letting a low-life boy take away the friendship she and I have." Quickly he walks out the classroom door. 

"Why do you do this to me?" Yumi leans her back against the chair as she gazed at the beautifully fried squid. "I like him, Monika."

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