Implemented Childhood - Extra Ending

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The red hair, those yellow eyes and that cold gaze. I couldn't forget. He left for America after the school year ended. That whole summer I spent with Haruhi and Yumi, there was nothing they do I would enjoy more if he wasn't there. I'm wasn't even ready to go to middle school alone. Then again, I was eager to ask my mother who the boy she wants me to meet was. 

"You'll be in junior high soon. Aren't you excited?" Said mother. 

"Yeah." I said as my eyes focused on the dry clothes fluttering with the wind outside our balcony. 

"Why aren't you going outside today?" Mother asked. 

"I don't feel too well today." I made an excuse to stay indoor. 

"Haruhi's parents invited us to eat dinner at their house today. Do you still want to stay home?" She gave me this worried look like she knows I'll keep saying 'no' to her.

I sigh. "I guess I'll go." 

Mother lift her brows and beamed at me. I stare back at her, I was still curious. The question began to boil up in my mind, I was afraid of something. It wasn't clear what it was. 

That evening my mother and father took me to Haruhi's resident. I looked around to see if Yumi's parents was invited too but somehow she nor her parents wasn't there. Then this unfamiliar boy and his parents shows up. A girl my age tagged along too, though she doesn't look like she's related to that boy. 

"Hm?" I blinked. "You're that girl at the park." I said. 

"My name's Sayori! And this is my future husband!" She wiggled his arm around. 

"I told you not to call me that." He blushed. 

"I'm Monika, erm Haruhi's friend." Not that I have anything else to say about myself. Although Haruhi did say something about marrying... Marrying who?

"I don't want to interrupt but the food is already set. Let's go." He turned back as soon as he came, the cold gaze he gave me was out of the blues. Usually he would just smile. 

Everybody sat at the dinning table, parents and kids at the same table. I almost forgot Haruhi's dinning room is actually pretty big. His parents own a small manga company, they're not really successful but it's just enough to make a living out of. 

"Man, I'm stuffed." Haruhi relaxed his arms on the couch. 

I just kept gazing at the glass cup of water in my hands. 


Feeling shock I raise my head to gaze back at Haruhi. 

"You've been acting so weird ever since Yasuki went to America. Do you really... Love him that much?" 

I smiled. "It's none of your business. I'm actually just more disappointed about tonight."


"Because, you didn't invite Yumi, you invited me instead." 

Haruhi gave me a solemn gaze. "We're going to be in junior high soon. Why can't you just stop thinking about others and think about us for once? For god sake, Monika. I know that you're smarter than this." 

"I'm sorry," I blame myself for his words, I haven't really focus on him ever since I talked to Yasuki. "I won't think about anybody else for now. Well, anything you want to do?" 

"Never mind, forget I said anything. Besides, I know your mother picked a specific school for you to go to. Me on the other hand won't be able to talk you to much beyond that." Haruhi pulled two of the string on his hoodie. "It'll be lonely for me if I don't get to see you often anymore. I thought holding onto my feelings would mean I'll get to be with you even if we aren't dating, but I was wrong. It's slowly separating me from you."

The words he said to me, I could comprehend so much yet I don't want to understand. Because I can relate so much. 

"You're not going to say anything?" Haruhi felt impatient. 

I couldn't respond to him. That day at the hospital I was crying, but why can't I shed any tears when I want to cry so much? It was like a part of me is corrupted. 

"It's sad that you're heartless toward me. You show so much sympathy toward Yasuki that it has shaped your thoughts toward your friends. Nobody else is important to you. When did you become so selfish?" He just kept saying those words. 

It hurts me. "I... I don't know." 

He paused. His eyes averts from mine, he let out a disappointed sigh. "Friends or not, you're still important to me. If you ever do know about yourself more then you can confront me with your response. I'll wait for you, Monika." 

It was that day Haruhi stopped hanging out with me. Yumi even questioned why we're like this, I couldn't understand it myself. Maybe it's the best thing for my train of thought or maybe I really am selfish. Either way it's still my fault everything came crashing down. Yasuki left now Haruhi did too. 

I turn to Yumi, even though she and I share the same interests we don't share the same story. Giving her my thoughts about the situation I'm currently in. All I can do now is accept the fact that everything is just what it is.


"What is it, my little Monika?"

"Who is that boy you said that you won't be to go to school with?" I finally asked. 

My mother's smile dropped. She somehow looked concerned about something. "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't tell you earlier. The boy that was supposed to go to junior high with you was Yasuki, that boy in your class." 

"I see." 

I just want happiness yet at the end I received no happy ending.


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