Chapter Twenty Three

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Haruhi came into the room, "Hey, can I speak with you for a minute." 

Yasuki who's been sleepless stood up from the chair that is next to where Monika lies. He glanced down at her once more, "Yeah, sure." He finally said. 

They left the room leaving Yumi sitting at another chair from across the room, and shut the door. Haruhi lead him to a nearby vending machine at the hospital lobby. He took out a few yen from his pocket and bought himself a drink. 

"Want one?" He asked. 

Yasuki shook his head. "I'm not thirsty." 

Haruhi opens the bottle cap. 

"So, what did you want to talk about?"

He took his first sip to clear his throat. "I just want to let you know that I haven't fully forgive you on what you tried to do. I don't know what was going through your mind, but I assume that it has nothing to do with me. Since she didn't face any brain injury I'll let it pass just this once, and if you try to hurt Monika like that again I'll beat you up like a punching bag. I won't let my guard down again."

Yasuki wouldn't get angry to Haruhi's anger toward him, he fully understood where his words come from. "I won't hurt her again, and it's a promise. From now on I'll be the one to take care of her in return. I've done many bad deeds to her already." His eyes gazed at the ground. "It makes me feel like I don't deserve her confession."

Haruhi gasp in a unbelievable manner, "She confessed to you?!" 

"Y-yeah, she told me I can be her boyfriend. Something like that." Yasuki couldn't believe it either. "I mean, it did took me by surprised." 

Haruhi gulps all the liquid in the bottle, then he throws the empty container away in the recycling. "To be honest, I'm pretty jealous of you." 

"Huh? You? Jealous of me?" Yasuki tries to smile. 

"Don't take it as a compliment or anything." He leans his back against the wall crossing his arms. "You're lucky that she cared for you. I've actually never seen her so concerned of a friend before, especially to someone who she has never held a conversation with until two weeks ago. Monika talks about you more and more everyday."

Yasuki kept his eyes down, his heart just beating fast because of her actions that he also probably never noticed--something Haruhi could notice in just a glimpse. 

"Whatever, I don't care if she already confessed to you." He smirk. "Besides, she and I also have a promise together." 

"Eh?" Yasuki gazed at him. "A promise?" 

Haruhi turns away. "You don't even know her as much as I do, so there's no point in telling you. After all, I count it as a confession." He slowly walks away. "Let's see who ends up marrying her after high school." 

Yasuki stood there feeling speechless and clueless of what their promise were. Instead of taking out his own anger he somehow smiled at him. He didn't take offense to it rather he took it as a oath of competing to win Monika's heart. 

Idling for quite a while in the lobby he suddenly notice Natsuki sitting at one of the chairs. Yasuki walks up to her. "Hi." 

She raised her head up, "It's you again." Her eyes had tears. 

"Why are you here?" He asked anyways. 

Natsuki sniffle, boogers slowly dripping out of her nostril. Looking at it again he noticed that her crying expression made her look cute, "M-m-my mom..."

"Your mom?" Yasuki blink. "She's a patient here?" 

Natsuki nod, she couldn't talk with her sobs and sniffs. He smiled, understanding that talking increases her cries. So instead Yasuki sits beside her and pat her back trying to ease her emotional break down. 

He sat there comforting her for a while then she stop weeping. Relieved enough they set there silently, like they're waiting for something to happen. Slowly it became awkward, Yasuki decides to stand up. 

"I guess I'll get going now. I have a friend who's also a patient here, but I'll meet your mother before I leave the hospital. How's that sound?" He said. 

Natsuki just simply nod to his words. Before he could leave her father grab Yasuki's shoulder. 

"Who's this boy?" He asked in a really deep voice. 

"T-that's... He's my friend, dad." She tried not let her voice shake. 

Yasuki could tell that she's afraid of her own father. "Ah yeah, I'm her friend."

"Do you go to school with her?" 

"N-no, I don't go to school with her. I'm actually in a private elementary school." Yasuki replied.

His eyes looked friendly, but his actions tells a completely different story. He leans down to whisper into Yasuki's ear, "If I see you again, I'll break your bones." Then he smiled. "Well, run along kid." 

The whisper already gave him the chill, with a tentative thought he slowly turns away and left the lobby. Glancing at Natsuki from a corner her father grabbed her hand, she wasn't struggle or anything. The expression on her face made it seem like he isn't going light on her, like squeezing her wrist harshly until her bones snap--well, it may just be an exaggeration. Although her father's a grown man, and Yasuki's just a little kid so he couldn't do anything but watch her suffer. 

The voice quickly interfere, "Why don't you just kill her father?" 

Yasuki shook his head, "No, I won't be that person that you want me to be." He tries not to let the voice manipulate his thoughts. 

The voice chuckled. "Fine, but you should know I'll always be here watching you. You can't ignore me forever. After all, there's bound to be a obstacle that you can't face alone without my supervision that is."  

Yasuki ignores the voice inside his head and heads back to the room that Monika is in. He thought to himself that as long as she loves him and maintain her honest feelings then nothing will go wrong. She wouldn't like it if he show violence in any scenario. Yasuki smiled. 

Monika opens her eyes as she finally regain consciousness, she slowly gazed around the place remembering that Yasuki knocked her out at the amusement park.  

"Did you get lots of rest?" Yumi asked. 

"The aching pain is still there, but it doesn't ache as much anymore." Then she remembered the dream that she had. "Yumi?" 

"Yes? Did you need something?" 

Monika shook her head. "No, I don't actually need something. Although I did have the strangest dream." 

"Really? What was that dream about?" 

Monika sits upright on the bed. "I dreamed about Yasuki, he was about to kill two kids our age. I don't quite remember their faces, but I did stopped him before he could do so. I didn't know why I would stop him and why he wanted to do that." 

Yasuki halted at the door as he listened to their conversation before opening it. 

"In the dream I somehow end up kissing him. However, it felt so real. I guess I must've been thinking about him a lot. At least that didn't happen, it would've been really embarrassing." Said Monika.

He opens the door sadly smiling, "Ah, you're awake." Then he averts his eyes. "How is your head?" 

Monika touch the bandages that is wrapped around her head. "My head is doing fine. It's not hurting much and I think I'm getting my mobility back--well, slowly that is." She glanced at his lips, the dream was too clear for her, she turn her head away hiding her flustered cheeks.

Yumi glanced at their actions and expressions, she could tell that they're being awkward toward each other. She sigh.

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