Chapter Thirty One

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There, the black and white chess pieces lined up at both sides. Yumi stare at the two concentrated expressions on both Monika and Yasuki. The living room is silent, just the clock on the wall ticking. She make her first move followed by Yasuki. After what seemed to be forever the game comes down to Monika checkmating his king piece. Haruhi sigh after being so bored for the past thirty minutes.

"That was a nice tactic you used." Monika complimented him. "But you could still use some practicing. Maybe we can play chess again in the future."

"That'd be nice!" Yumi hugs Monika's arm. "And everybody is going to be there when it happens! It'd be a exciting experience!"

Haruhi sigh once again, "I know something that we can all do in the future. We can try playing video games, and that'll be how we're going to determine the winner!"

Yumi gives him a disappointed face. "Video games are always on your mind. Can there be anything better than that?"

"I actually don't mind. It just means that there are more options for us to choose from." Monika gazed at Yasuki. He immediately averts his eyes, looking down at the chessboard where Monika's queen piece faces his king piece. She glanced at the others, "Well, it's almost time to eat cupcakes!"

"Cupcakes? I thought we're having cakes?" Yumi asked.

"Well, my parents didn't want us handling knives, so she bought us cupcakes instead! I mean, it has the word cake in it." Monika laughed.

Yumi laughed with her. Haruhi on the other hand didn't find her joke amusing at all, always he's giving them the sour attitude. Monika stands up and went into the kitchen, she comes back with a transparent plastic container containing cupcakes inside. Placing it in the middle of the table everybody grabs one except for Yasuki. He constantly stare at the cupcakes all neatly in a row, then he swallows.

"Aren't you going to grab one?" Monika asked.

Yasuki shook his head. "My parents told me that sweets is very bad for me."

"Sweets aren't bad, unless you eat a lot. At least grab one, I'm sure you'd be delighted." Monika takes a bite of her cupcake.

Yasuki grabs one from the plastic tray. "I, I guess one isn't bad."

"Does your parents ever celebrate your birthday?" Haruhi suddenly ask.

"M-my birthday?" He glanced at Monika, then back at him. "N-no, my parents don't really celebrate anything at all."

"Isn't that kind of sad?" Said Yumi.

"No! O-of course not!" Yasuki puts up a smile. "I'm actually contented with whatever they can give me."

"When is your birthday?" Monika asked. "I'm actually curious, after all Yumi, Haruhi and I can celebrate it for you. We are your friends."

"Friends..." Yasuki repeated. "My birthday is December 18."

Haruhi grabs another cupcake. "Then it means—"

"—It means I'm eleven years old." Yasuki looked down at the cupcake in his hand. "I'm happy that I get to be you guy's friend." Thinking again the same guilt slowly comes back to drown him. Every horrible thing that he has done they all have forgotten, erased from the script and now he still carries the guilt within himself.

"I'm sure Monika can say something on Haruhi's behalf, but I am happy that you're friends with us." Yumi looked at Monika.

She quickly change the topic, "Today is Friday, so my parents will be home earlier than usual. For the time being we can do something else." Monika stands up putting the cupcake in the air. "You all have to obey my command!"

Haruhi and Yasuki were a bit concerned on what she will tell them to do. Yumi, however, just simply doesn't care at all. Her enthusiasm is the same as hers, she too raised her cupcake in the air but sitting. The both of them simultaneously bit their cupcake and giggled.

The whole evening was dreadful for Yasuki and Haruhi. They had to play house with both the girls. It was entertaining for them when Haruhi had to wear a beard and glasses which makes him look like Mr. Potato Head. Yasuki had to laugh along with the girls too. They had a great time, and played until Monika's parents comes home. So, they had to go to bed.

Yasuki and Haruhi sleeps on the floor while Yumi and Monika sleeps on her bed. Her parents turned off the lights and shut the door.

"Did you read the letter yet?" Yumi asked after waiting just enough time for Haruhi and Yumi to fall asleep.

Haruhi and Yasuki had already fallen asleep on the floor in Monika's bedroom. She glanced over her shoulder in case they're not overhearing the conversation.

"Yeah, I've read the letter." She beamed.

Yumi smiled back. "I know I'm not supposed to ask, but what did it say?"

Monika averts her eyes and paused for a second, then she glanced back at her and said. "The letter says something about a dream not being a dream. I was a bit confused when I read it. And it mentioned about making a promise about staying by his side." Her cheeks becomes extremely flustered, "It also mentioned something about having me... Kissing him."

"Aw, isn't that just cute?" Yumi smiled sweetly. "Maybe that dream that you have isn't a dream after all. Including the fact that Haruhi and I found you unconscious in his arms."

Monika rubs her head. "I don't know..." Frustrated she dismiss the conversation.

They both decided to go to sleep. Yasuki slowly opens his eyes staring at the wall, he turns himself around to look at Haruhi. Slowly and quietly he would sit upright gazing over Monika and Yumi, they are also sound asleep as well. Yasuki stands up. The room is dark so he put his hands against the wall making his way to the door. As quiet as he could he would open the door and closed it behind him after exiting.

"This is perfect."

* * * *

"Wake up, Yasuki!"

"Wake up! Stop sleeping!"


Yasuki opens his eyes gazing at Monika, her eyes were moist. "What is it?" He yawned and sits upright, rubbing his sleepy eyes.

Monika immediately hugs him. "I thought you were dead!"

"What are you talking about?" Yasuki gazed at all the worried faces from behind her.

"Yasuki, there's blood all over your clothes. Are you sure you're alright?" Yumi questioned.

He glanced down at his clothes, then he sees a knife next to him on the floor. It's also covered in blood. What the hell happened? Yasuki couldn't remember anything at all.

"Since there were no dead bodies nearby I'm assuming you attempt to commit suicide." Monika wipes the tears in her eye.

Yasuki's hands began quivering. "I don't remember anything that happened."

Monika felt too scared that she couldn't bring out a smile. Slowly she grab his hand, just helplessly staring at his innocent expression. Haruhi sees her action. Angry, he looks away.


I forgot that Monika's birthday is on September 22nd! I'm sorry if I got it incorrectly in the story. I won't change this section of the story, however I would want you'all to comprehend.

- Shido Thao

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