Chapter Sixteen

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Monika stood at the crosswalk staring at Yasuki, his pupils shrinks as his grip tighten on the bat. She wanted to run, but her body wouldn't move.

"Please, get out of my way. I need to find him before I can no longer interact with your timeline." Said Yasuki.

Monika tries to comprehend. "I don't want you to change anything. There's no need for such violence."

"No!" Yasuki's eyes kept glaring at her. "You don't understand at all, Monika! You don't understand the struggle I've been through my whole life! Before I met you everything was always so gloomy, a life full of nothingness. I always have the thought of self guilt and shame. My parents gave birth to me and thought that I would be a perfect child, but no they looked down upon me and so did everybody else in the school."

Monika closed her fist tightly, she walks up to him and slaps his face. Realizing that her body moved by itself. "I don't care about the others, like I said you are important in this trip. So please, drop the bat and come with me. Even if we only talked since two weeks ago I still think you're a nice person." Monika could feel her mouth also speaking on its own too. "You promised that you'd be there."

Yasuki drops the bat as his tears streaks down his cheeks. She gently holds his hand as they slowly walk to Haruhi's house. Through his tears he would look at her from behind as they walked, he sniff and sob to the self-guilt that he has.

"Don't cry anymore, Yasuki. I promise you it'll be lots of fun at the Amusement Park. I'm sure Haruhi and Yumi wouldn't mind your company." Monika cutely smiled at him.

My heart is beating to this boy's presence. She thought to herself as she slowly loses control of the body. I guess the little me is a really simple girl falling for a agitated boy like him.

Monika and Yasuki got back to Haruhi's house.

"You're back just in time!" Yumi comes up to them, then she glanced down at their hands.

Haruhi immediately noticed the same thing. "Y-you guys are holding hands!"

Monika glanced down at their hands, as soon as her cheeks flusters she would quickly pulls her hand back to herself. She quickly changes the topic turning away from him hiding her blushing cheeks, Yasuki looks at his hand and smile to the rhythm of his heart.

The whole crew is there so the parents took them to the Amusement Park and paying for the tickets. Monika and Haruhi walks behind Yumi and Yasuki whom seems really amazed of how huge the place is. All the rides looked so colorful which make them so beautiful.

"I'm guessing you guys haven't been here before?" Monika smiled.

"I know the arcade is cool, but amusement parks are even better! Everything here is like heaven, especially when the sky is so sunny!" Yumi's eyes glimmers to all the rides.

"Well, what rides do you guys want to ride first?" Monika asked.

"You guys pick, I don't really care what we're riding." Haruhi slides his hands into his pockets.

Yumi points at the little train circling the exterior of a building. "How about we ride the cute train!"

"What about you Yasuki?" Monika asked.

Haruhi glanced at him, his shoulders are quivering. "What's wrong with you?"

"I, I'm just fine. I didn't know that amusement parks can be this crowded." Yasuki quickly wipes his sweat.

"Is it just me or is he not a fan of crowds?" Yumi wondered.

"Beats me." Haruhi replies. "Well, at this rate he wouldn't dare to go on any rides since the majority has a lot of people to surround you with."

Monika ignores his words. "Hey, Yasuki."


She closed her eyes as she slowly inhale and she exhale, then she opens her eyes feeling determined. "Don't run off from experiencing fun, I know you didn't want to be surrounded by people but at least some of those people are your friends."

"Hey, I never said I was his--" Yumi immediately elbowed Haruhi's stomach before he could finish the sentence.

Yasuki glanced at them before glancing at Monika. He slowly nod to her words. Haruhi's brows twist as soon as he sees him holding the tip of Monika's shirt. Clenching his fingers trying to hold in his anger he ask, "Why don't you stick close to me instead? She wouldn't be able to do much when choosing rides, plus I can keep on eye on you."

Yasuki glanced at Monika, she nods with her genuine smile. He slowly grip on Haruhi's sleeve.

What the, he's actually really scared. To think that this boy my age is afraid of crowds. Haruhi averts his eyes. "You're awfully strange for a boy."

"S-sorry, I'm just not used to being surrounded by hundreds of strangers." Yasuki kept glancing around the place.

"Yumi and I have decided!" Monika points at the building without walls but has a roof. "We're going on the bumper cars!"

"Fine by me." Haruhi agrees to go. "But I don't know about him."

Yasuki tries to smile. "I don't mind too."

The both of them follows Monika and Yumi to the place. The parents stood at the railing watching them at a safe distance. Haruhi steers the wheel as Yasuki just holds the steering wheel without turning it. Yumi grins as she steers the wheel toward him to bump against his car. Monika tries to avoid the other kids who tries to bump into her car. Yasuki just bumps into random cars, then he sees her enjoying herself with the ride.

After that everybody stood outside the building.

"Well that was fun." Yumi turns around to look at everyone.

"Hey! You were crashing into my car the whole time! How was that fun?!" Haruhi complained.

Monika smiled. "It was fun and quite interesting too. At least Yasuki was able to crash into mine."

Haruhi turns toward her. "I saw you let him crash into your car while he was obviously effortlessly steering the while!"

"Geez, you don't have to be so mad about it." Yumi pinched his arm.

"At least everyone had fun." Monika giggled at them.

Yasuki stood behind them viewing the fun they have. He felt stupid for trying to change Monika's future, yet the voice, "You haven't forgotten the awful things she is forced to do, right?"

"No, I haven't."

"Then change it before the sun sets."

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