Chapter Two

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"You're walking home alone?" Monika asked. 

Yasuki nods, he slowly walked along the fences with his back hunched. She turns toward her friends who are walking home together. Monika felt really puzzled, yet she proceeds with her routine and followed her friends. Everyone laughed and giggled, talking about their favorite television shows that are going to be shown on Saturday. 

"Guys?" Monika suddenly addressed. 

"Heh?" Everybody halted locking their gaze at her. 

"Does Yasuki always walk home alone?" She asked to hope for an answer. 

"Huh?" A girl burst out laughing. "I thought you were gonna ask something serious with that concerned look of yours. Monika, you don't have to be so concerned about him. He's not even smart like us." 

Monika lifts her brows. They all continue their conversation as it trails off her topic. Everyone has a standard that is expected by those who are around us, but for Yasuki his standard was so low that nobody anticipates him to surpass their own standards. Monika beamed like she usually does when the group tries to say something funny. 

The group disperses at a crosswalk leaving Monika and another boy walking alongside each other. The boy's name is Haruhi, he's in the same class as her and has a complicated affection for Monika. Although... 

"Hey, Monika?" Asked Haruhi. 


"Do you have to be Yasuki's friend? He's better off left alone. Besides, we're all gonna be in junior high next year. There's a chance you won't meet him again." His eyes avert from her eyes. 

Monika grips tightly onto her backpack straps. "I have to give everybody an equal amount of attention. If I give too much attention to one person then wouldn't that be unfair?" 

"So you're saying you don't intend to sit with him every day?" Haruhi's brows twist in confusion. 

"That's right." Monika smiled cutely. 

Haruhi turns his head away hiding his blushing cheeks. "Honestly, you're unbelievable sometimes. Especially when you're living to everyone's standards, it makes me feel like I can never do enough to impress those who I wanna impress. Unlike you who everyone admires."

"Is that a compliment or a doubt?" Monika questioned. 

"It's neither." 

The conversation ended there. Silence slowly comes between them while they walk. Monika halt in front of a park. Two kids are climbing a large tree, the boy had already successfully climbed the tree while the girl with a red crappy bow on her head slipped off the tree trunk. Monika flinch as she fell onto the ground with a loud scream, the girl began crying loudly, then the boy climbed off the tree and told her to stop crying. 

"We should go help her--" Monika took a step then stop. 

 "--Don't. What good are we? We're just going to be in the way. Look." 

They just stood there looking at the situation. The girl's mother rushed to pick her up from the ground. The boy tried hard to make them comprehend. Monika slowly walks away from the park after the girl has stopped crying. She pities her. 

Haruhi and Monika went their separate sides at a crosswalk. Her mind kept on wondering between that helpless boy helping that girl and her trying to help Yasuki. Monika shakes that thought on mind, then she enters the apartment that she lives in. 

"I'm home." Says Monika as she locks the door and took her shoes off. 

Walking into the living room she finds nobody there. Thinking to herself that her parents probably aren't home from work yet, so she decided to microwave the leftover food she had for breakfast. While waiting Monika takes out her composition notebook and turned on the TV. She put on her favorite movie from Netflix. 

The microwave beeps as it goes off, Monika quickly brings the bowl to the living room and placed it at the table in front of her. She finds herself writing about what she had experienced today. Even the smartest person in the classroom couldn't figure out a given problem. 

Perfectly Imperfect 

Everything can be changed with just little changes
Like a look
Like a presence
Like a book

In every imperfection, there's a perfection
Like a breaking limit
Like a dreadful enjoyment
Or like a deadly death  

Monika stands up after finishing her food and brings her dish to the sink. She turns on the water letting it flow over the bowl, then she turns off the water. Picking up her backpack she went to her bedroom and sat on the bed taking out her favorite book Where The Sidewalk Ends and turns it to the first page. It's still an interesting book even if she has read it many times before. Monika turns her head toward the giraffe plushy making it read the book with her. Slowly she falls asleep to the sound of the breeze blowing from the ajar window. 

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