Chapter Twenty Two

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Yasuki had already tricked Sayori and her friend into playing with him. They decided to play hide and seek, and Yasuki was the seeker. He hid the bat in the bushes while they play. He waits for him to be hiding alone as Sayori hides in a different area, so he could do things smoothly without her knowing that he was also going murder the hider, hence she wouldn't interfere.

Slowly he counts to ten as they went and hide, "One... Two... Three... Four... Five... Six... Seven... Eight... Nine... Ten... Ready or not here I come."

Yasuki turns around looking at the park, he glanced at the sky that's slowly turning violet. He smirk while strolling around the area to find him. The place is also getting dark which is a even better setting to commit a murder. He takes a deep breath and takes his a few steps toward the bushes. Taking out the bat the bushes which is a few studs away from him made rustling noises. Yasuki grip on the bat as he approaches the bush. A squirrel rush out of the bush and climbed up the tree, he sigh and went around the park.

Apparently Sayori is hiding behind a tree which is fortunately on the opposite side, and as for him he hid in one of the bushes. Yasuki didn't hesitate to check all the bushes, one after another he becomes more vigorous to kill him. Finally he finds the boy, "I found ya." Lifting the bat above his head the boy was startled and backed away. He screamed, it alarmed Sayori and she rushed toward them. Yasuki no longer have a choice but to proceed on swinging the bat. The boy fortunately dodged his attempts.

"Run, Sayori!" The boy shouted as he grab her hand, they ran toward the sidewalk.

"Oh no you don't!"

Yasuki glitched his way ahead of them, the both of them halted as he stood there smirking. The boy didn't have a choice so he dash toward Yasuki and tackled him. Before he could touch him, his body would glitched uncontrollably which made his body seemed like a hologram, the boy fell onto the ground. Slowly he position his arms and swung the bat toward him. The boy screamed loudly after the first swing; the bones on his arm cracked making it vulnerable and unusable.

As soon as Yasuki position his arms again to send the second swing, Sayori immediately jump in front of the boy. He accidentally hit her waist, she fell onto the ground crying in pain.

"No! Sayori!" The boy cried in despair. "Stop! You're going to kill her!"

"You're right, I am going to kill her. It wouldn't matter if Sayori is alive anyways. I'll end her depression right here, so you two can die together, happily!" Yasuki's pupils shrinks as he swing the bat for the third attempt. "DIE!"

The boy went ahead to helplessly cover Sayori, he shut his eyes tightly just waiting to be hit. However, he hear the bat dropped onto the ground. He slowly open his eyes to see a unfamiliar girl pinning Yasuki down against the ground.

"Stop doing this!" The girl shouted.

There were bandages wrapped around her head, and she is dressed like she came from the hospital. Both of Yasuki's arms were pinned against the ground.

"Come on, Monika. We've been through this, this is all just for you. If I don't kill him quick our timeline will isolate soon, and I don't ever want someone like you leaving me." Yasuki looked like he was going to cry, but he is also still smirking. "That boy is the obstacle that will break the connection between us. Even if he doesn't interfere with your past he would still interfere with your Literature club. You've always wanted real friends isn't that why you made that club? You wanted to make friends with the people who don't pretend, you wanted them to act as who they are regardless of the cruel judgement of this society. Yet your tyrant god made you a monster for those 3D humans to see. I want to prove to them that you're not a monster, you're never a monster to begin with!"

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