Chapter Twelve

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Following his routine Yasuki would once again meet Monika under the same tree. He sits next to her on the bench as she hands him the same bento. This time it didn't have vegetables like yesterday, he smiled. Yasuki grabs the chopstick and as soon as he does so his fingers would ache. He flinched dropping the chopsticks onto the ground.

"A-are you alright?!" Monika seemed concerned.

"I'm alright." He slowly places the bento beside him. "I don't feel like eating."

"Eh? O-okay..." She sadly smiles. "Are you sure though?"

Yasuki slowly stands up from the bench, "I just need to be alone for a while. I'm sorry--"

Monika quickly grabs his wrist knocking the bento down onto the ground. He flinched with her sudden grip, slowly he would gaze at her--Monika's cheeks were blushing with her eyes glimmering, it makes her face look even cuter.

Yasuki's eyes widen as soon as something about her changes, her body began glitching as her mouth evilly grins. Something suddenly gets played into his mind. Everything flash by really quick like a film being fast forward and that memory only happened within a week.

"L-let go! That hurts!" Yasuki shoves her away.

Monika has pushed a few feet away from him. His eyes glare at her, then they soften as he starts walking away from her and disappears into the school building. Monika looks down at the food on the ground, she felt something she has never felt before it makes her chest ache. She crouches down to grab the bento and chopsticks. A drop of tear fell down onto her hand, then quickly she tries to wipe her tears. However, it continuously falls down.

"Why are you crying?" Asked a familiar voice.

Monika lifts her head up to see Haruhi standing in front of her. She quickly wipes her tears and turns away. He gazed at the food scattered all over the ground.

"Did Yasuki do this to you?" His brows furrow in anger.

Monika smiled. "It's nothing that alarming. I guess Yasuki was hurt by my grip, I didn't mean to hurt him so much like that--the way he glared at me like I was a monster. Although, I don't blame him."

"I told you he's nothing good. You didn't hurt him, he hurt you! And that's not exceptional." Haruhi sigh. "But it can't be helped. You wouldn't even let me hurt him. Do you really like him that much?"

"I..." Monika paused to think for a moment. "I don't know. I just feel like there's always something pushing me to do everything. Almost like I'm not myself anymore. So I don't even know if I actually like him."

"Well then, it can't be helped I guess."Haruhi sits on the bench. "I mean you're really the only person who's ever been so close to him without knowing his background. I knew him since starting school, so it's normal if he comes to school feeling grumpy. Besides, I've tried being his friend before and I tell you he sometimes gets beat up by his parents real bad that he didn't come to school for a week, sometimes even a month. I can't help but pity him every time."

"Wait!" Monika turns toward him. "You said he gets beat up?"

"Yeah, is there something wrong?" He asked.

She shakes her head. "No, but I think that's why he gave me such a look, and why he didn't want to hang out with me for a while!" She smiled. "Thank you, Haruhi! You're a best friend anyone would ask for!"

Monika grabs her two bento and rushed back into the building. He sat there looking down at the scattered food on the ground. He sighs to himself, "Sometimes you're an idiot, Haruhi."

Monika puts her two bento back into her backpack and went out of class to search for Yasuki. Walking around the halls she would see him sitting under the window sill. She promptly approaches him.


Yasuki immediately becomes startled by her voice. He looked frightened by her presence. Quickly he scooches a bit further from her. "Stay away... Please."

Monika's brows furrow in frustration. "Did I hurt your wrist? Give me your arm, I want to see it." She notices him quivering. "Can you at least roll up your sleeve? I want to see your arm, and I promise I won't come close."

Yasuki didn't even lift his head up but he didn't evade, instead, he starts to slowly roll up his sleeves revealing large bruises on his arm. Monika couldn't believe how badly he was beaten up. Yasuki quickly and carefully rolls his sleeves back down.

"Let's go see the nurse, she can treat it for you." Monika tries to help.

He shook his head. "I don't want the school to know about it. They might make my parents angry, and then I won't get to see you again."

Monika slowly sits under the window sill with him. "Then I won't tell anyone." She smiles at him. "At least we're together, right?"

Yasuki nods and smiled back.

"Oh!" She suddenly remembered. "I was actually about to ask earlier. Erm... I wanted to ask if you want to go to a theme park with Haruhi, Yumi, and me. Well, our parents will be there to keep an eye on us kids but aside from that it'll just be the four of us!"

"In a time like this, you're still looking for fun?" Yasuki averts his eyes.

"Uh-huh!" She proudly said it. "We should spend as much fun as we can... Before we go to junior high, that is."

She's right, I haven't thought of that.

"Alright, I guess I'll be there." Said Yasuki.

"Don't just say it! Promise me you'll be there because you are really important here!" Monika promptly put her pinky finger in front of him. "Pinky promise."

Yasuki gives her a long stare, then without a choice, he carefully lifts his arm up pointing his pinky out. Monika wraps her pinky on his.

"If you don't show up on Saturday I will not bring you any more bento, alright?!" Monika seemed serious about the promise.

Yasuki sadly smiled. "I promise."

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