Chapter Twenty Four

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Monika finally goes back to school after staying home for a few days, her bruise is gone and she's back in her perfect self. Yasuki caught a glimpse of her entering the classroom, then he quickly averts his eyes and gaze down at the letter that he made. Sneaking another glance at her she suddenly caught him looking at her. Monika didn't hesitate to walk away from her friends approaching him with absolute confidence.

"Hi, Yasuki."

"H-hi, Monika."

"I'm sorry if I haven't been in school lately. You must've been really lonely." She didn't really know what else to talk about, and she also don't know why she suddenly decided to approach him either.

"I wasn't really that lonely. I mean, I am used to being alone, but I did have quite some conversations with Haruhi and Yumi. I guess they try to comfort me while you're gone." Yasuki sadly smile as he averts his eyes half joking.

Smiling, Monika noticed the envelope sitting in front of him, she ask, "Whom is that for?"

He immediately hide it under the table. "It's for... S-someone! But I'm not giving it to them yet!"

Monika find herself smiling at his actions and she didn't want to assume who the envelope is for. She continues to dig deeper, "Is that a love letter?"

Yasuki's face flustered, he evade her question, "A-aren't you going to go talk to Haruhi or Yumi? I don't want them to feel lonely." 

Monika glanced over her shoulder looking at the both of them. "No, they're fine. Besides, I walk to school with them every morning. You, on the other hand, is different. I only get to see you during school which sucks for me sometimes."

"Don't say that." He really wants to give the envelope to her, but couldn't bring out the urge. "At least we still get to see each other, and I'm already content with whatever we both have. You are technically my--"

"--Friend, right?" Monika smirk happily. "So you do want to be my friend!" 

Yasuki kept sadly smiling. "Yeah, I... I do." 

It really is just a dream for her. He thought to himself. 

During lunch time Haruhi, Yumi and Monika put their bento on the table that Yasuki sits at. He was surprised that the three of them gathered at his table. Monika, same as usual hands him the second bento that her mother had provided. Holding it in his hands he still has the envelope in his pocket. Looking at the food his stomach growls quietly. Then he begin eating using the same chopsticks. 

Monika and Yasuki were quiet. With Haruhi and Yumi's presence the table becomes more lively which made everything less awkward. 

"So, what is the food that you dislike the most?" Yumi suddenly ask Yasuki. 

"Well, I don't typically have a type of food that I dislike. Rather I just eat whatever." He replied. 

"Alright then!" Yumi gives him the onions on her bento. "Take that, cause I hate eating onions." 

Yasuki slightly blush as he thank her for that bit of food. Haruhi bites the tips of his chopsticks gazing at Monika. She didn't react to it, she simply just kept eating her food. 

Finally school led out. Everybody packs their books and utensils and left the classroom out to the entrance of the school building. 

"Hey, Yumi?" Yasuki walks up to them. "Can I talk to you for a bit?"

She glanced at them, "You guys go ahead. I'll catch up." 

Haruhi and the other boy left the classroom, Monika glanced at Yumi and Yasuki before she leaves the classroom. When she did left the classroom she remembered the envelope that Yasuki had. Thinking that the letter must have been for Yumi. She takes a deep breath and tries to smile following the boys out the building. However, she couldn't just be sure who it's for, so she ditch the boys and went around the school building to peek into the classroom at the window.

"What do you want to talk about?" Yumi asked. 

"I have something to give to Monika, but I couldn't do it." He takes out the envelope from his pocket. "Can you give it to her?" 

"Oh?" Yumi glanced down at the envelope. "Is it a love letter for her?" 

Yasuki blushes. "J-just don't open it whatever you do!" 

Monika couldn't hear what they were saying, yet she sees him handing her the envelope. After she takes it Monika immediately runs back around the building. It was hard for her to understand their situation and their relationship

Haruhi sees Monika running toward them, instead of halting she just ran pass them. He sees small glittering tears flying out of her eyes. "Monika!" He shouted. She didn't stop, she just kept running. Haruhi runs after her, but her running speed was too fast for him. He halt and pant at a crosswalk watching her disappear in the distance. 

Yumi looks at the envelope in her hand. Even though she's really curious what's in stored, she still respect the privacy that Yasuki wants. Supporting their relationship she proceed to walk home and she'll give it to Monika when they walk to school tomorrow. 

While walking she sees Haruhi standing at the crosswalk that's just ahead of her. Quickly she hide the envelope behind her.

"Why are you still here? I thought that you'd already walked home with Monika." Yumi said. 

"I assume that she saw something she shouldn't have seen." He glared at her. 

"Don't give me that look." Then she realize, "Did you say that Monika saw something?"

"Yeah, what else would she see? And I even saw it happen during lunch too! You gave food to Yasuki while Monika had a bento ready for him already!" Haruhi felt angry toward them both. 

"I didn't do anything that would make things go wrong! What I did was give him something I dislike to eat. Is it wrong to do that to a friend?" Yumi had it. "You know what? I'm fed up with your assumption on things!"

"You're fed up?! I'm just stating the truth!" 

Yumi couldn't hold it in anymore. "I also want to state the truth as well!" She swallows her pride. "I know you like Monika, but I like you more, you idiot!" 

Yumi didn't wait for him to respond to her words, she promptly rush home already embarrassed with herself. Haruhi just stood there feeling speechless.

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