The Letter

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Dear Monika,

The years has been long, I've been hiding many things from you, but now that you're eighteen I wouldn't mind telling you the things that I know. You see, you and I were just kids. I did so many horrible things to your friends and they hated me for that. I truly deserved that, however, I'm taking my pills everyday to diagnose this disorder that I have. To be honest with you the symptom wasn't supposed to show until I'm older, but something that has been infecting me increased my anxiety to have it. I became violent and paranoid, it made me a horrible person for you.

I know the younger you wouldn't be able to believe me, or even if you did believed me you wouldn't be able to do anything to help me. But I have this voice that's always talking to me everyday. It didn't come to me until I saw the future or rather your future. The voice progressively becomes worst as it deteriorates my inner thoughts. It ripped me apart from who I am to who I am not. The thought of it makes me feel like a threat to you and your friends. Even now it's still talking to me, but since you aren't around it is slowly fading away. I guess the pills helped.

I truly loved the bento that you give me everyday, I cherished every moment and every tastes. My mother never made me such amazing lunches like that before, her meals are just rice and water. I really missed your mother's cooking, but most importantly I would want to know if you actually cook yourself. After all, you're eighteen now.

If you ever meet Natsuki tell her I say hi. If she doesn't remember me, then it isn't her fault. I completely understand that after a long time a person forget another person. I just hope that's not the case between us.

Anyways, I'm coming back to Japan to finish my third year in high school with you. By the time you received this letter I'm probably already there. Coincidentally I meet someone in a online game, he said that he knows you and that you're pretty popular with the guys. I'm a bit surprised you haven't change. Fortunately I convinced him to tell me what school you're in. Although I could have come back to visit you first before school, but this is fine I guess.

Sincerely, Yasuk

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