Chapter Ten

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Monika taps Ysuki's cheek with the bento. His eyes gently gaze at her, then grabbing the bento from his side. She sits beside him on the same bench under the shade. From the corner of his eyes, he sees Monika's hair gently flutters with the wind, her green eyes looked so beautiful.

She catches him staring at her. "Hm?"

Yasuki immediately blushed at her piercing eyes, then he would turn his gaze back at the bento. "N-nothing."

Monika tilts her head to look at his eyes. "Good thing you're not crying." She giggled.

"Huh? What do you mean?" He felt puzzled.

Monika beamed at him. "You didn't come to school yesterday, so I made sure to ask my mom to make a healthy lunch for you. It isn't good if you're not eating your vegetables."

"Um..." Yasuki averts his eyes, "T-thank you."

"It's not a problem at all. Besides, it's not right for your parents to not take care of you at all. I think you deserve at least three meals a day!" Monika kept smiling.

His brows twists, then lowering his head he would glance in a random direction. "You don't have to be so kind to me. I don't deserve your sympathy at all."

Monika cutely smiled at him. "Man, you're always so gloomy. Cheer up, at least there's someone here who is willing to accept you as who you are. Honestly, you're really strange ya know, but that's what makes you so innocent." She glances at the sky as she proceeds to speak, "You're like a poem being written, to examine such words is anonymously strange when something isn't complete. So I want to be that pen that writes the poem for you."

"You're saying that you want to be my... friend?" He asked.

Their eyes meet.

She nods as a response. "But if you don't want to be friends then I totally understand." Monika stands up from the bench and stretches. "Hey, Yasuki."

He lifts his head gazing at her from behind.

"What do you want to be when you grow up?" She turns around gazing back at his eyes.

Yasuki couldn't keep his eyes away from hers, they were too attractive. "I want to be a mangaka when I grow up."

"I see, so you like manga?" Her lips parted.

"Yes, my uncle is a mangaka. And he is one of the kindest people I've met, so he pretty much inspires me to be one as well, but my dad..." Yasuki immediately stops talking. "I'm probably saying too much."

"No, it's totally fine if you say that! In fact, I think you have a bright future. As for me, I don't actually know what I want to be." Monika sadly smiled.

Their conversation ends there as the silence becomes awkward. They finished their lunch and went back to class. Haruhi noticed them walking alongside each other, his eyes glare at Yasuki standing in the halls. With a bright smile on her face, she would go back to sit beside Yumi.

"Where were you?" Haruhi comes up to Monika and asked, "I didn't see you at the teacher's office."

Her smile was solid, "You're probably at the wrong office."

"I know you were eating with Yasuki. I saw you two walking together in the halls!" His brows twists.

Yumi sigh. "Just spit it, kid, you like Monika!"

Everybody in the classroom gazes in their direction.

"You're forgetting that we're all kids here! Plus I don't even know what you're talking about! I do not like Monika in that way!" Haruhi felt embarrassed already. "I think that it'd make more sense that Monika likes Yasuki!"

Everybody gasps.

Yumi stands up from her seat. "Oh? I forgot to mention that you're actually jealous of Monika's kindness toward the kid that you called low life!"

"Oh yeah?! What if I did call him a low life?! You can't shut my mouth!"

"GUYS!" Monika loudly bangs her hands against the table. "SHUT THE FUCK UP!"

The whole class went in silence.

"Why do you two always fight? I mean, c'mon there's nothing good coming out of any of your mouths." Even Monika doesn't feel right about herself when she is foul-mouthed. "Look, just go back to your seats, Haruhi. I need my space."

He quickly walks pass their table and back to his seat. He glares in Yasuki's direction, he looks away feeling guilty.

Yumi looked at Monika's red face. "Are you alright?"

She shook her head. "I'm alright. I just need some time to cool. Sorry if I say anything bad to you."

Yumi could have said the same but she kept backing out from her original thought of Haruhi liking Monika. "No, you didn't say anything offensive. I think you did the right thing, so I'm sorry."

She's so nice, how can I hate someone this wonderful?

Yumi gazes at the front of the classroom after the bell ring. The teacher shows up and teaches for the rest of the day. After that unaccounted argument between Haruhi and Yumi, their distance was wider than before. However, from what Monika knows that he likes her, yet she didn't let it change their routine.


Everybody halted.

"I think we should go to this really cool theme park this weekend!" Monika tries to ignore their current awkward expressions. "C'mon! I won't invite Yasuki if you guys don't want him to be in the party."

Haruhi proceeds on walking. "I am not interested."

Yumi sigh. She immediately jerks his shirt backward whispering to his ear, "Hey! She said we! You can't just back out on something this important! Plus you shouldn't let her feel guilty for anything!" She smiled at Monika, "And Haruhi said Yasuki can tag along!"

"I did not say th--"

She punches him in the stomach.  Haruhi covers his stomach, grunting. "What was that for?!"

Yumi grabs Monika's hand, "It's for being mean, meanie!" And she runs off dragging her.

"Thank you, Monika."

"Huh? For what?"

"Nothing, I'm just glad you're my friend and I appreciate you for that." Yumi giggled.

Monika smiled back at her. "Thank you too."

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