Chapter Thirty Two

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"You look cute in those." Said Monika's mother.

Embarrassed and scared Yasuki hides behind Haruhi, he quivers as he hold onto him tightly. Her mother goes to the kitchen to make breakfast for them. Yasuki had to wear Monika's clothes since those are the only available thing close to his size. Her mother served them omelets.

"Your mother is a great cook!" Yumi was impressed.

Monika's mother giggled. "No, I'm not a great cook, I'm only learning how to cook decent meals for my little Monix."

"Either way you're an awesome mother." Yasuki added. "I really appreciate you for also making bento for me."

Everybody was silent, it caught Haruhi by surprised on how genuine and thoughtful he was being. Yasuki glanced around the table, he noticed what he had said. He quickly pretend he didn't say anything and begin to eat his omelet. Her mother didn't say anything too, rather she was flattered by him. She beamed.

Finished with breakfast Yumi, Haruhi, Monika and Yasuki walks out the apartment and to the sidewalks. They walked down to the crosswalk where Haruhi part from them. He halted just after they kept walking down the road. Still, he couldn't trust Monika walking with Yumi and Yasuki. So, he decided to follow them but out of sight, just in case Yasuki doesn't try to do anything reckless.

"I'm so excited for summer break!" Yumi skipped ahead of them. "Aren't you guys excited?"

"What school did your parents decided to for you to go next?" Monika asked.

"Hmm.." Yumi thought for a second. "I guess I'll be going to Sakura High, it's both a junior and high school, so I'll probably be there until I graduate or something."

"I heard that Haruhi's also going there.." Said Monika. "I'm a bit sad that you two are going there."

"Eh? Aren't you going to Sakura High too?" Yumi wondered.

Sadly Monika shook her head. "My mother insisted me to go to a junior high that her friend's son is going to. I don't really know him, but I'm guessing they're planning something fishy."

"Do you know your mother's friend then?" She asked.

"Well, I don't know. My mom is quite popular with the neighborhood, but I don't remember not meeting her friend nor her friend's son." Said Monika.

"Why not ask your mom?"

"Asking wouldn't really hurt. Alright! I'll ask my mom who he is! Maybe I can make her move me to Sakura High with you guys!" Said Monika.

Yumi paused. "But what about Yasuki?"

The both of them stare at him. He looked like he was spacing out, then he quickly snaps back to reality. "Huh?" Confused and lost he glanced back at both of them.

"What school are you going to?" Monika asked.

"I don't know yet. My parents haven't really decided on a school. After all, they are going to move to America... After I finish elementary school that is." Yasuki kept his eyes at them.

"America? Are you kidding me?!" Yumi smiled so widely. "I am actually jealous! I've always heard that America has a lot of different colored people! I wonder if they'd make a human rainbow." 

Monika sadly smile. "Does that mean you're going to America too?"

Whether he wants to or not he still have to nod, his parents were desperate to live there. Monika tries her best not to shed any tears in front both of them. Yumi waved goodbye to them and head to her own direction leaving the both of them walking to Yasuki's house.

"Can I ask you something?" He suddenly questioned.

"Yeah. What is it?"

Yasuki stops walking, he turns toward the same lamp that Natsuki and him meet. "Would it make you happy if I suddenly disappear?"

"What are you talking about? Of course I wouldn't be happy. It would be the most horrible thing for me." Monika answered.

"I see..." Yasuki turns toward her and grab her hand. "Then Monika. I love you!"

Her cheeks immediately flustered. "I, I..."

"Do you love me too?"

Monika nods as she intensely blushed.

"I'll still go to America, but once I'm old enough I'll come back to Japan! I'll come back and then you and I can date!"

"W-why all the sudden?! We still have a few weeks of school to spend!" Monika already imagining herself in awkward moments with him at school. She quickly turns away. What do I do?!

"I'm only confessing today is because I wouldn't know when we'll have this moment where it's just the two of us before then." Yasuki scratches his head. "Sorry if I'm making you feel awkward, I do feel awkward too. It took me a lot of courage. I, I promise I won't forget about you."

"You promised?"

Yasuki nodded, "Yes."

Monika turns back to him and gives him a cute smile. "If you break the promise I'll chase you down and make regret everything that you've said!" 

Haruhi hid behind a pole, he heard the whole conversation. He slowly walk back home feeling the disappointment in himself. The fact that she said the same thing to him. "She's the one who'll forget."

"Oh, it's you Monika." Said Yasuki's mother, her eyes glared at him. "Young boy, go to your room."

He nods and scurry up the stairs leaving Monika at the front door.

"I'm sorry if you had to bring him home. Sometimes he just wouldn't listen and doesn't come home." She smiled. "Anyways, you can go on home now."

Monika slowly walks back home actually feeling happy that her dream was real, her feelings were grasped and his words were spoken.

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