Chapter Eighteen

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Yumi and Monika got to a vending machine which apparently is pretty far from where they left the boys. They picked their favorite drinks first before picking drinks for the other two. Monika thought of picking something healthy for Yasuki, and as for Yumi she picked Haruhi's favorite drink, Fanta. 

After they finished buying the drinks they proceed to walk back to the boys. On the way back Yumi thought about asking Haruhi to go on a ride together, just the two of them. 

"Hey, Monika?" 


"Do you think Haruhi likes me the same way that I like him?" Yumi asked anyways even though she knows the answer. 

Monika thought of that moment where they had a argument because of the same reason--they were both jealous but at different things. She gazed back at Yumi and said, "I can't really say that he likes you the same way. You two have feelings but not for each other, and I understand you have concerns for him the same way I have concerns for Yasuki. However, I'm sure Haruhi will one day open his eyes and see the person that has always been there for him. Just don't give up."

"We're just kids but why is relationship becoming such a big deal?" Yumi sadly smile. 

"I don't know, I guess it's part of how the human feelings function." Monika glanced at the roller coaster in the distance. "Aren't you surprised? We're going to be in junior high soon, it'll only be a few more months before then. Who knows what schools our parents would pick for us. We might have to go our separate ways. If fortunate we might end up going to school together again." 

Yumi kept smiling sadly. 

Monika averts her eyes. "And I'm guessing you're going to follow Haruhi, huh?" 

Yumi slowly inhale and exhale before she speaks, "I don't actually know. I don't even know if following him would be the right thing to do." Suddenly she gasp, "I know! Why don't you and Yasuki follow us too! Then nobody would ever feel lonely going to junior high!" 

"Uh, what?" Monika tries to wrap her head around it. "I don't think--"

"--Oh c'mon! You like Yasuki, I like Haruhi! We can work together to get what we want!" Yumi looked excited already. 

"I don't actually like Yasuki in that way, so don't get the wrong idea. I like your idea, but I also think that it's best for me to avoid going to school with Haruhi." Monika thought, he'll only grow to like me even more. 

"You're right." Yumi's enthusiasm slowly lowers. "At least we're still going to be friends in the future, right? I will be really sad if you and I ever stopped communicating." 

Monika smiled. "We will so don't be sad about it." 

Yumi suddenly thought of an idea, "I actually have a great idea for the four of us to spend together before junior high."

"What's that idea you got?" Monika wondered. 

She gazed at both of the drinks in her hands and smiled. "Why don't the four of us eat lunch together everyday at school? Eating without my friend here can be pretty lonely--I, I mean I like it when the four of us are together. It's like we're all friends with happy smiles and priceless enjoyment." 

"I wouldn't have it any other way." Monika nods. "I love that idea." 

Their conversation ends there, and the silence slowly comes between them as they began to have their own thoughts running through their minds. Yumi gazed ahead of them and halts Monika halted after her. Her eyes slowly gazed at their parents surround Haruhi. Immediately Yumi rushed toward him, he was coughing like he choked on something.

"What happened?!" She asked. 

"Y-Yasuki tried to strangle me." Haruhi tries to breath slowly and calmly. 

Monika quickly takes over the little body, "Where did he go?!" She asked. 

"I, I don't know. He just ran off into the crowds." He continues coughing once again. 

Without hesitation Monika gripped onto both the drinks in her hands as she promptly runs into the crowds too. 

"Monika! Don't go after him! He's dangerous!" Before he could stand Yumi pushed him back down on the bench. 

"Hey, you stay put!" Although she is also concerned about the situation. 

Monika swiftly runs through the crowds as she glanced at every corner to see if she could spot Yasuki anywhere. As soon as she spot him, which he is about to leave the amusement park, she harshly throws a drink in her hand at his head. He then collapsed on the ground.

She pant. "Well, having athletic skills pays off." Monika runs up to Yasuki seeing if he is actually unconscious. Slowly he opens his eyes gazing at her from below, as soon as he does open his eyes he would slowly closed it again. 

 "I know you're not unconscious." Monika dropped the other can on his face.

"Ow!" Yasuki immediately sits upright covering his nose. "That hurts!" 

"If you know pain then you shouldn't try to kill someone." Monika glares at him, then she tries to mentally forgive him. "Next time don't attempt to kill anyone, I'm sure it's not that hard to comprehend." 

Slowly, Monika smiles at him, "They're waiting for you." She put her arm out to him. 

Yasuki averts his eyes. "I'm sorry, I just wasn't myself. Everybody probably think I'm a dangerous person now." 

"Even if everybody is thinking that, at least I am never going to think that. If they try to hurt you I'll hurt them back, there's no need for you to show violence. I just want you to be yourself." Monika grabs his hand anyways. "Now, let's finish the day together and if you want you and I can have one last ride together, alone--on the Ferris wheel that is. I've always want to see the beautiful sun set." 

Yasuki blushed to her words, he slowly nods to her. She helped him stand and grabbed the drinks from the ground. They smiled at each other.

I'll have to decline that, Monika. I'm sorry.

Haruhi and Yumi: 

Yumi: "You're so oblivious!"

Yumi: "You're so oblivious!"

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