Chapter Twenty Eight

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A falling sky
    A falling bee hive
        A girl falling from up high
           A girl falls and die. 

But fall for me
We'll both survive
               Together forever

Just me and you

The boy smiled at Monika. "It's for you." 

She felt something strange about the poem. The hand writing is very familiar. 

"Whatever you do, please don't delete me, Monika. I want to be with you forever and nobody will stop us from being together." He said.

"Who are you?" She asked. 

The boy replied, "I'm--"

Monika wakes up from her dream. She still couldn't capture the image of that boy. Her dream is blurry and confusing. However, the poem was a bit strange and dark. Shrugging it off she would get ready for school. 

The whole school day she would try to let every little changes slide, there wouldn't be a point in correcting it. All that she have to do is find the reason why she's the only person who could remember Yumi as a friend, the whole class didn't even acknowledge it when she mentioned the name. Monika then noticed Yasuki's change of behavior too, his actions are different compared from three weeks ago. He seems... more alive. 

Monika halts in the middle of her way home, Haruhi stops to look at her. "What's wrong?"

"I wanted to ask if you'd care to join me--to go see Yumi that is. She lives just around this neighborhood so I thought... " Monika paused.

Haruhi smiled. "I'll join you. Not that I want to, but I have to. Besides, I'm going to protect you from danger."

Monika blushed. "Uh!" She quickly turns away as soon as she noticed her own embarrassing expression. "L-let's go then!" 

As they walked toward Yumi's house Haruhi would glanced over his shoulder. He noticed that someone is also following them. Monika knocks on the door. 

Yumi opens the door looking at the both of them. "Yes?"

"We're here to speak with you, Yumi." Monika introduced him, "And this is Haruhi, my friend. Do you recognized us at all?"

Yumi smiled. "Nope, I don't know any of you."

"Ah, I see. Then can we at least come in? I wanna talk with you for a bit." Monika politely asked her.

Yumi's eyes gazed at Haruhi, then she gasp, "YOU'RE THAT DOUCHEBAG!" Then her brows narrow in anger. "I'm sorry, but you guys aren't allowed in this house. Please leave at once!" Then she shuts the door in front of them.

"What does she mean you?" Monika wondered.

Haruhi crossed his arms. "I told you, my cousin knows her. It's obvious she remembers the faces that she hates. After all, I said some horrible things to her." Immediately he covers his mouth. "What did I just say?"

Monika blinks. "So you do know her after all!"

"I do not!" He said back, his eyes looked at her with confusion. "I think my mouth moved on its own."

They walked back down to the same road that they would take to go home. Suddenly a gust of wind blows right pass them, Monika covers her face with her forearm. Her eyes slowly gazed ahead to see that same pitch black human figure once again. Monika's heart pounds loudly as she becomes frightened toward the mysterious and eerie being.


"What is it?" He halted.

Monika took a step backward, "Look there." She pointed to the figure.

He glanced at the road just ahead of them. "I don't see anything."

Quickly she rubs her eyes, then she gazed at the same spot. The black figure had disappeared from the streets. Haruhi scrutinized her movement, her body is shaking. Out of fear Monika grabs onto his sleeve.

"W-what are you doing?" He asked.

"D-don't think that I'm crazy or anything, but lately I, I've been seeing things." Monika in bated breath.

"Seeing things?" Haruhi questioned. "Is it a ghost?"

"P-possibly." Monika averts her eyes. "I just need to get home."

"Then I'll walk you home. I only live a few blocks away from your apartment anyways." Haruhi grabs her hand without a second thought. 

"W-wait, you don't have to--"

"--Don't struggle, I'm just trying to protect you." He held her hand tighter. 

Monika's heart beats faster as he kept holding her hand. Her face all flustered red, she couldn't keep a straight face. Fortunately Haruhi isn't looking at her, his attention is entirely on the look out for danger. Though, she doesn't actually feel endangered at all. Monika felt weak just like any other person would. 

She smiled, "Thanks for safely sending me home."

Haruhi turns away. "Whatever you do. Be careful around Yasuki. I get the feeling that he isn't really himself anymore." 

Monika watched him disappear into the distance, she thought about his words. She couldn't wrap her head around it. The thought got her thinking about Yumi's sudden life change, that last thing she remember before that happened was when Yasuki hands her the envelope. 

Was there supposed to be a connection between them? Monika asked herself. She enters her apartment, the black figure continues to follow her into the building.

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