Chapter Seventeen

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Yasuki kept his grip on Haruhi's sleeve as they proceed to go to the next ride. The whole time he feels uncomfortable and kind of regretful for letting him stick close to him. Yumi and Monika choose their next ride which is the roller coaster.

"Are you guys sure we're tall enough for such ride?" Haruhi asked.

"I'm sure we're tall enough." Monika looks at the two boys and compares their heights. "Although I have to admit, Yasuki is slightly shorter than you. I guess it kind of makes me feel like you are older than him."

"Don't compare me to him!" Haruhi crossed his arms.

"Hey, you're supposed to thank her. It's a compliment ya know!" Yumi pouts at him.

Everybody agreed to go on the roller coaster so they went and waited in line. Unfortunately noon came as the line becomes much longer than they anticipated. For a while they waited, Haruhi began to lose his patience waiting in line, especially with something pestering him from the back of his mind.

"Hey, Monika?"

"Yes? What is it?"

Haruhi glanced at Yumi, he catches her glancing at him. Quickly she averts her eyes. "Never mind. Sorry." He wants to ask Monika something but he couldn't do it in front of Yasuki and Yumi, he would feel embarrassed.

Yasuki suddenly ask, "Would it be fine if we get something to drink? Standing in the sunlight really is exhausting."

"Weakling." Said Haruhi. Yumi immediately elbowed him after he said that. He grunt to her aggressiveness.

Monika smiles at Yasuki. "Of course, if you want Haruhi can keep you company while Yumi helps me carry the drink. Well, after we ride the coaster that is."

He smiled back and nods at her. "Okay." Everybody averts their eyes from him, slowly he glares at Monika.

"She's interfering, you must get her distracted." Said the voice.

Finally they get to ride the roller coaster. Haruhi sits next to Yasuki and Yumi sits next to her. Fortunately their heights meet the requirement to ride the roller coaster. Everybody on the ride screamed to the terrifying heights and intense speed it's going. The screams slowly becomes nostalgic for Yasuki, his hands gripped on the handle tightly as he tries to keep his mind straight.

"Hey, are you alright?" Monika looked concerned.

"Huh?" He glanced around the amusement park. "Sorry, I spaced out."

"Eh? Are you sure? You kind of looked like you were very exhausted." She glanced over her shoulder where Yumi waits for her. "I'm gonna go get you something to drink. Tell me what you want."

"I'll take anything." He said.

"Alright," Monika's sweet tone suddenly changed to a serious tone, "Don't try and go anywhere. I promise you I'll find you if you do." Then she turns around and walks away with Yumi.

Yasuki's brows furrow in frustration. "Hmm."

Haruhi sat at the opposite end of the bench. Their parents went on the roller coaster after them. Yasuki thought of how to prevent Monika from interfering with his actions. Squeezing his thumbs Haruhi would glanced at him feeling a bit awkward with the long silence they're having.

"Can you not get too close to Monika?" Haruhi asked.

Yasuki tries to control his nerve, "What do you mean?"

"Ugh, you act like you don't know anything." Haruhi glares at him. "But I know your intention. You want Monika all to yourself that's why you detach yourself from everybody else in the class. She is the only person I know that would fall for such trick when concerning her friends.

"What? I wouldn't detach myself just for the sake of having her to myself. I wouldn't do anything like that." Yasuki felt offended, then he noticed. "Do you hate me that much?"

"Of course I do!" Haruhi felt disgusted for pretending to care for him. "The only thing you're good for is pretending to be weak and fragile in front of Monika. You didn't deserve her kindness nor concerns. After all, you are the only kid in our class that doesn't have at least a decent friend until she decides to show you some enlightenment. It even makes me feel awful for knowing that you don't even have any appreciation for such a heartwarming person like her."

"I..." Yasuki didn't know what to say to him. His words really attacked him mentally. "I guess you're right I don't deserve her kindness and concerns, but you've seen me suffer and yet you didn't do anything to help my situation. Instead you just kept pouring those oil."

"Are you saying you won't stop hanging out with her?!" Haruhi proceeds to glare at him. "You really are selfish."

"I'm selfish?" Both of Yasuki's fists clenched.

"Kill him, he doesn't deserve to live." Said the voice.

He glanced at Haruhi's neck.

"Strangle him to death!"

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