Chapter Five

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A whole week has passed and Monika still hasn't spoken to Yasuki. Sitting there as his mind becomes so negative thinking that she probably hates him. Quickly he shakes his head still trying to keep his mind positive, thinking maybe she will pay attention to him again after a while. 

"Hey." Haruhi suddenly comes up to him. In a surprise, Yasuki glanced at him with his sad eyes. Haruhi sucked in air through his teeth looking down at him with a furies expression, then he tries to calm his anger clenching his fingers. "Look, I don't want to talk to you either, but Monika's been pestering me to ask you to go to an arcade with us. T-this isn't an apology for what happened a week ago or anything!" 

Yasuki's eyes glimmer in excitement and nod as a response. Haruhi quickly walks back to where Monika stood. Immediately he catches her beaming at him, his heart pounds fast after seeing her expression.

Lunch has finally come, everybody grabs their lunches and disperse. Monika clears her throat and asks, "Can you follow me?" Her eyes didn't even look at him. 

Yasuki nod. Monika leads them out of the classroom and to the back of the school building where there are benches. They sit down at a bench under the shades, then Monika takes out a bento. She unwraps it and sets it beside him. Without a word, he grabs the bento and thank her with a slight bow. She takes her other bento out and ate with him. 

Yasuki sees drips of water falling down on the bento. Quickly he wipes his eyes, then tears start to endlessly pour out of his eyes. Monika grabs her handkerchief handing it to him. Yasuki tries to look at her with his eyes covered in tears, but he could only see a blurry figure sitting next to him. Blowing his nose with the handkerchief he kept his sobs calm. 

"Why are you crying?" She sounded worried. 

Yasuki shook his head not wanting to answer her question. 

"I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking about how you feel when I let you sit alone like that." Monika suddenly apologized, as soon as she gazed away her eyes lit up gazing back at him. "Okay! How about you and I meet each other here every lunch break! It'll be much better if you and I eat out here." 

Yasuki couldn't have it any other way, so he nods as a response. After finishing their lunch Monika and Yasuki walk back to class. It was strange, it felt as if it's the first time he was actually happy himself. He wants to be happy even more, he has an urge to be happy--with Monika. 

Before they leave school that Friday Monika gives Yasuki information about going to the arcade and where to meet up on Saturday. She says goodbye to him as they split up at the front of the school, Monika runs after her group of friends leaving him still standing there. Yasuki walks home alone once again. He looks forward to that, but... 

"I'm home," Yasuki said. He took his shoes off and walk into the living room for the first time in a while. "Um, dad?" 

"I told you to not call me your dad! Stupid kid." Said the father. 

Yasuki glanced at the TV, it features a cute giraffe cartoon character and is full of comedy. His father laughed really loudly after the TV. 

"Um, can I go out with my friends on Saturday?" He asked with bated breath. 

Yasuki's father stands up from the couch, "I told you! You're grounded for a whole month! Or you rather be grounded until you're 18 years old?!" His giant forearm pushes him across the living room. 

He tries again, but this time tear streaks down his cheeks. "Please, dad! I've never gone out of the house aside from going to school! I've obeyed your every word! I need to see them on Saturday!" 

"Then leave the house if you think your so-called friends are that important to you. You should keep on obeying my words no matter the circumstances if you want a home. Now, go to your room before I tell your mother to not feed you anything for the whole weekend!" Yasuki's father sits back down on the couch and continues laughing at the TV. 

Sobbing endlessly he walks up the stairs and into his bedroom. Yasuki puts his backpack down on the floor as he walks toward the window. Hiding behind the curtain he gazed at the city from the horizon. 

"Where can I go if I have no home? It'll be years before I can live alone." Yasuki slowly curls into a ball behind the curtain. "I don't want to be here anymore. Monika, please help me. Or at least someone." 

He continues to sobs endlessly in his room. 

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