nightmare or reality?

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The sound of a heart rate monitor alerts me. I must be in hospital. Carefully i open my eyes and sitting on my bed is my dad.

I want to scream but i have an oxygen mask on my face to support my breath so I'm left with no choice but to let my dad do all the talking.

"you're probably wondering why i haven't been taken to prison right?" he whispers

i don't respond

"okay, well...i ran out of the house and i managed to escape without being spotted, i watched the ambulance take you away and followed to see which hospital you were taken to and when the coast was clear i came in to see you"

He doesn't care about me. How could he? change isn't something hes capable of.

I roll my eyes at him.

"don't roll your eyes at me! i knew it would be hard to speak to you with your bitchy attitude" he complained

told you he's incapable of changing

he pulls my oxygen mask of my face making it hard for me to breathe and threatens me...

"when you get out of this place and the police want to ask questions,  you better not tell the police that the person who beat you up was me, got it! "

i nod

"good. cuz if you'll be sorry" he says placing my mask back on before disappearing.

I close my eyes and wake up 10 minutes or so later to a doctor examining me. He injects me with God knows what and removes my mask yet this time I'm not suffocating.

wait, so was what my dad said to me a nightmare or real? either way i know that i would be in deep trouble if i do snitch.

"Miss Thorpe, your feeling much better right?" the doc asks

"yes i think" i reply my voice still weak

"okay, well we are keeping you in until the afternoon 'cause we need to run some final tests on you before we let you go" the doc informs

"why? what tests" i question

"when one of the nurses came to check up on you, she said your heart rate was abnormal so i came in to see how you were myself but you seem fine right now. I think you were struggling to breathe for a bit earlier on so we need to see if you'll be safe to leave the hospital today" he replies

i nod.

the doctor leaves me and i think about what i need to do.

i don't know what to do.... if i obey my dad and don't snitch then my dad would be living with me again and my life would be hell.

And, if i do snitch, my dad will be able to  get back at me (even if he is in prison) which means maybe he will kill me for real this time....


authors note



i think she should tell the police, what do you think?

damn if only the police had caught him running out the house then things would have been okay....:(

Amy Xx

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