Visiting hours...

14 5 13

Adams POV:

I have no idea whats been happening down at the hospital. First they refuse to let me in, then they take her in for an operation...what's going on?

I really cant lose my girlfriend, my best friend now...its so unfair.

Its been 3 days since i last went to the hospital so now im heading back. They have to let me see her or at least give me the answers i deserve. I just hope it's all good news. fingers crossed.

On my way down to the hospital, once again, i buy another bouquet of fresh red roses and a box of dark chocolate because this time i want to make sure she gets them from me.

Taking extra care of the delicate flowers...again... i had down to the familiar receptionist desk and approach the same woman i saw a few days back.

"How can i help" she spoke

"Can i please see my girlfriend"

"oh right you again....Ashley Thorpe right?" she spoke typing on her computer

"uh i able to see her?You did say come back in a few days" i hoped

Something tells me I wont be able to....

"'re able to see her but she might not be awake, she came out of an intense heart surgery so take care." she said

i sigh "Thank you"

"Yeah no worries, she's in room 215 which is just down the corridor, turn right and left after you climb the stairs." she motioned

I finally get to see Ashley. It feels like its been ages and I've missed her so much.

I reach her door and peak through the little window. Yep shes there and no one else is accompanying her. As i walk in i feel like my eyes are going to let my tears flood but i cant tell if its tears of happiness or sadness 'cause i hate seeing her with all these bruises.

"oh Ash" i whisper as i kiss her forehead lightly not wanting to wake her up.

I place the bouquet and chocolates by a desk and wipe away a tear. i pull up a chair to her bed and place her hand in mine.

"I've missed you so much" i admit "we all have" i add remembering the texts from Luke and Lucy.

"And I've brought you some red roses and dark chocolate...though im not quite sure if you're allowed to eat whilst you're still he-"

"Did you just say dark chocolate...." a small voice interrupts

"Ashley, you're okay thank God" i laugh hugging her

"help me up" she requests struggling to sit up so i do as she says and then sit next to her on the bed.

"Thank you" she replies resting her head on my shoulder

"For what? buying you dark chocolate? for helping you sit up? for letting you rest your head on me without saying so?" i joked

"For everything" she smiled

Her head sunk further onto my shoulder and she wrapped her fragile arms around my arms.

"Ash you're freezing , here." i say placing my jacket around her shoulders but then noticing really bad scars.

What the hell did her dad do to her?!?!?!

"What happened to your arms?" i asked concerned about the stitches on what looked like a lot of cuts

"it was jus-"

"Miss Thorpe? Mr Heath?" a man interrupted entering the room

"yes?" we replied

"Ashley we have someone here to see you as an emergency"

"oh should i leave then?" i asked despite not wanting to go

"yes sorry but you can come back tomorrow to visit" the man replied.

"okay" i sigh as i get up off the bed and kiss her on the cheek as a goodbye.

"keep the jacket, you'll be cold" i said.

"excuse me, who's here to visit me?" she questioned

"Your Dad, apparently its urgent he's going to come up any minute." he replied

Instantly i felt rage fill my eyes. I exchange looks with Ashley.

This is not good. How on earth has he been allowed to visit?!

"Adam, I'll show you the way out" the man kindly gestured but i wasn't sure if i wanted to leave anymore

"it's fine hun, he cant hurt me here" she assured

And helplessly i left.


Author's note:

oh dear lord....what a chapter

so her dad is visiting WTF???

also anyone else just so happy Ashley's survived.....thank goodness eh?

and #Adley is soooo cute argghhh


what do you think will happen next?

how much more drama is gonna stir up....

this book is sadly close to ending real soon......happy or sad? who knows

hope you enjoyed this chapter x

Amy Xx

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