
15 5 4

"Make way people!"Lucy announces as she makes a path for us leading up to our table at the back. everyone just looks at her like shes insane until they notice me getting carried in by Luke and Adam.

"okay settle down....woahhh" Mr Fletcher says walking in at the sight of me getting carried to my seat.


everyone turns to look towards us.

"guys i know im sexy but please, i cant take all of you" Luke jokes twirling invisible long hair and instantly everyone turns back round giggling.

Class clown gets to his head sometimes.

"that's enough guys...." sir says settling the class before walking to his desk and proceeding with the class register. Once he finishes he stares at me and i stare back and can see he is very concerned so i look away and carry on talking to Lucy, and the boys.

"Ashley Thorpe?" sir says approaching our table

"yeah sir?" i respond

"Are you alright?" he asks

"umm yes" i answer

"cuz you don't look great and you were carried in by Luke and Adam with Lucy carrying your bag" sir says

"she's just injured" Lucy defends

"well that's an awful injury. surely you don't expect me to believe that" sir responds

"no sir" i admit

"remember when we were talking last week after school about fights and hate? has that happened again? be honest."

"no i promise you i wasn't beaten up by anyone here" i assure

"hmm okay...well then your friends cant carry you around all week" he says

"sure we can" Adam says

"yeah we are strong as fuck" Luke says showing off his non-existent muscles (joking, he actually does have muscles but we love teasing him)

"language Luke" sir pointed out

"sorry sir" he replies

"what i mean is, she isn't in all of you lessons so it isn't really ideal" Mr Fletcher explains

"it's fine i can limp around" I say

"no not a good idea if your in pain, Adam how about come to my desk i have an idea" sir says

"umm okay..." Adam replies waling over to the front with sir.

Mr Fletcher begins to write a note on a piece of paper and passes it to Adam who then exits the classroom.

"where is he going?" Lucy wondered

"no idea" Luke replies

10 minutes or so later Adam returns to the classroom with crutches and a note. he walks over to me and hands me the crutches while showing me the note...

To Miss Ashley Thorpe,

Following on from Mr Fletcher's request for crutches to help you around the school, You are able to use these crutches for 2 weeks and take the home if necessary. If there is a need to extend your 2 week use please come to the nurses office or ask Mr Fletcher to write or seem me. Any further problems come too the nurses office.

Miss Braun,  school nurse

"thanks sir" i say as sir approaches me to read the note.

"no worries" he replies

my body still hurts even while i use the crutches but they kind of ease the pain from my legs. As annoying as sir can be for getting involved with my issues all the damn time, i really am grateful for his help.


authors note

why does Mr Fletcher seem to get involved so much....hmmmm

let me know what you think....

Luke is such a funny character XD

hope you enjoyed this chapter and thx for reading

Amy Xx

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