Time is ticking

13 4 5

After working late, the last four investigators at the house finish boxing up what was left and place each box into the van ready for analysis back at the police station.

"Hope it was worth it" the policeman said climbing into the drivers seat

"it should've been, after such a long shift there must've been something useful in them boxes" one of the investigators said

"i feel like there's something im missing" the helper wondered out loud

"mate you said that earlier and we stayed later to pack up everything....trust me there isn't anything left to forget" the other investigator laughed but the man who helped was still uncertain.

"calm. don't worry too much about it. You're obviously not used to this sort of atmosphere but that's because its not your job to chase criminals and investigate a crime scene. But i must say, for someone helping out you did a great job" the policeman assured

Once reaching the station they join the other CSI team to unpack everything from the boxes and begin swabbing and examining the contents.

"Any evidence?" Ds Cassidy enters

"No ma'am, we've only been able to clear out the house so now we're gonna start examining and swabbing for anything to put forward as evidence." an officer answered

"we haven't got much time" the DS moaned

"what do you mean?" the helper asked

"we captured Mr Thorpe and he's next door in a cell, but we can only contain him for 24hours unless we have evidence" she asked


"useless. And he has a lawyer" Ds Cassidy informed as she picked up a photograph of Mr Thorpe and pinned it to the suspects board.

"How long do we have left?" another investigator asked

"about..." she checked her watch "22 hours"

"there's no way that's going to be enough time for the swabs results to come through" the helper said

"forget about the swabbing then, lets just look through the boxes and find anything that may link Miss Thorpe's injuries to her father, anything like weapons, or maybe reasons why he would abuse his daughter etc." Ds Cassidy ordered

"I'll get the night shift team to come in to take over after an hours work, then you can all come back tomorrow to help finish up. Hopefully by then we would have something" the lead investigator said.



16 hours remaining

as the morning begins the team gather back at the station to finish unboxing and preparing evidence.

"What have we got so far" Ds Cassidy questioned as she entered the room

"David Thorpe is an alcoholic and a smoker" one says holding up pictures of the bottles left stored or emptied in the wine cellar of their house.

"we believe he may have been drunk and lashed out on Ashley Thorpe which is the only motive" he continued

"That might be something we can use but its not enough" the Ds replied

"ma'am, i checked his criminal records and health records, turns out he has been accused as a victim before years back and the health records says those were the same years he started drinking" another investigator spoke

"what was he accused of?" an officer asked

"murder. But there wasn't enough evidence and he wasn't believed to have been guilty" the investigator replied

"right we are on to something" Ds Cassidy smiled pinning the photos and record photocopies on to her suspect board.

"i don't think its enough" the helper doubted

"we have less than 16 hours to go, i would need to go back down and try and get him in for more questioning" Ds Cassidy informed

" And you just better get moving eh,?"The Ds whispered handing the helper one of the bags for searching.


Authors note

well that was a strange chapter....

what do you think?

will they have enough evidence in time or not?

Also.... murder? woah though to be fair, im not surprised.

Good thing he didn't murder Ashley then eh?

hope you enjoyed this chapter

Amy Xx

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