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As my alarm alerts me at 5am, i get ready as soon as possible and get ready to leave the house. I purposely put my alarm an hour earlier so that i could walk to school quicker and meet up with my friends in the cafe....and also to stay away from dad.

Only problem is....apparently nothing ever goes my way when i want.

My whole body doesn't seem to function properly after what happened yesterday, and it's making it extremely hard for me to walk downstairs without using walls and barristers to support me and the pain is still overwhelming.

Not only does I feel worse, I look worse too. When i looked in the mirror today after i had a shower, my face was covered in bruises, especially around my forehead, temples and neck, my arms and legs were also 'botched up' along with my back which was struggling to hold me up straight and my stomach was aching so damn much.

'But that's what i get' apparently.

"where d'ya think you're going?!" My dad laughs blocking me from exiting the front door.

"to school" i reply with attitude clearly not in the mood for his shit.

"okay I'll drop u off" he says

"what?!" I ask surprised.

"yeah get out and wait by the car" my dad replies pushing me outside watching till i did as i was told.

I lean against the car to rest my back and wait impatiently for him until he finally appears with his car keys.

At the sound of the door unlocking i open the back seat door before i am stopped by my dad telling me to sit in the passenger seat.

What is he up to?

not wanting to cause a scene (and get hurt even more), i obey and sit in the front passenger seat and he copies, sitting in his drivers seat and starts the engine.

Without saying a word i choose to just watch him intensely. He didn't seem to notice at first but once he did, he just decided to ignore.

but eventually......

"right thats it....stop your death stares" he demanded

"please...?" i said intensifying my death stare

"pffft what?!" my dad asked

"oh sorry, i forgot, you never say please" i mocked

"shut up child" he says focusing on the road

"what you gonna do....beat me up?.....again" i laugh

"nah I'll chuck you out of this moving vehicle" he threatens

"ooh scary..." i say sarcastically

"actually....fine by me, i never asked for your car ride anyways" i finished

he doesn't respond with anything. not even a small slap! Suddenly the car stops and one look outside, i notice I've reached school.

As i try to exit the car without triggering pain a tight grip on my wrist holds me down...

"owww my handdd" i moan as his fingernails dig slowly but deeply into my wrist

"now listen to me bitch.... you are not to say anything to anyone about yesterday ya hear me?!" He orders

"yes i know! now let go of my hand before i scream and everyone sees" i threaten

in an instant he lets go and i exit the car regardless of the pain and slam the door shut but he rolls the window down....

"so you didn't learn from what i told you yesterday"

i shrug cuz i have no idea what he's on about

"i told you not to mess with me ever again, so continue with this fucked up attitude and you really will regret it" he says quietly so that no students nearby would hear

"i may look like mam but at least i know which parent i got my attitude from" i respond holding my middle finger up at him.

I could see my dad was shocked by my words but he just holds his middle fingers back up at me before driving off.

i roll my eyes. I don't give a shit anymore so off i go limping to the cafe really slow.


Authors note

I am loving her feisty attitude! anyone else agree....?

but, her attitudes really gonna get her into big trouble though isn't it....?

But then again she really doesn't give a damn. What a fighter.

ooh so could she maybe defeat her dad then?

find out soon....

Amy Xx

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