#50 reminder

35 3 0

I don't write poems to be understand
I just put my thoughts and memories in every single word
Now, I don't know where to stand
Every reactions puts on the board

Like everyone should know
Taking points
Taking sides
But not looking in different perspectives

Everyone looks at you like
'She is the most disgusting person'
Yet on the stage,
But seems like they doesn't see what they should see

Blindfolded by handkerchief with value
Passing papers to shut each one of you
Concealing the truth
Holding each other's neck by their fruit

Goodnight, my dear lonely friend
It's time to sleep
The end
Hands now shall slip

//You're not made to understand~
You are puzzle to be solved
You are an equation that needs a formula
A mystery that should be discovered

Poem Collection (FULLY LOADED)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon