Cheating is a crime #21

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Getting on your own
Is one of a strength
Unique as you can be
And the best as everyone can see

But learning from other's work
Is other's knowledge
Cannot be called as your own
And stealing can it be called

Cheating is like fooling yourself
Fooling other people, fooling your family
Being proud of other's work
But can't be proud as your own

Loving yourself
As well as your work
The way to accept who you really are
Is the way other accept who you are

Not nagging about fame
Not boasting about your hit
But letting your success
Be the noise of your address.

Annyeong! Chingus, this poem I wrote for my cousin's assignment so I decided to post this so I have a copy :)

Poem Collection (FULLY LOADED)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon