Miami night

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It is my last night in amazing Miami after spending a month here.. unfortunately it has been more work than fun.. or unfortunately might be the wrong word.. after all it is the way I mostly live my life, but tomorrow I am going on a month long holiday with my sister and her husband on their yacht.

And tonight I have decided that I am going out. I deserve a break from all of the work I have been doing for the foundation... Right ? The pulse and heat of Miami by night is strangely calling to me.

Sipping on a glass of cold cider, I put on my short tight white lace skirt and crop top with yellow flowers.. which compliments my sun kissed skin. Then I curl my dark hair into beach waves, and put light makeup on.

"Damn girl, you clean up nice". I think to myself as I stare back at my reflection. I haven't put an ounce of effort into my appearance in at least two weeks with work only on my mind, so I had almost forgotten how decent I can actually look.. or at least not really thought about it.

After some quick warming up with shots of vodka, and a mixed drink or two, my group of friends from the charity is headed out. The club we have decided on is over capacity. As we wait in line for half an hour, I kinda wish my sister and Tom were here, with them there is no waiting in line, the perks of being a VIP I guess.. not that Tom ever uses it or asks for it.

The four people I am with, have suddenly turned into two couples, making out. What a great start to the night ! I am stuck waiting outside of the club, my buzz is wearing off, and I am watching others make out, feeling like a fifth wheel. Awesome.

Twenty minutes later, we all have had enough of the waiting so we start talking about calling an Uber, but everyone else seems to have the same idea. Suddenly, the line has vanished so we hop back in. Five minutes later, the club is ours.

I try dancing with the group of pseudo friends I have come out with for a few minutes, and have a few more drinks, until one of the guys starts trying to dance with me. I am not really into him like that, and the girl he made out with earlier and who might or might not be in the bathroom would probably be hurt, so I try as subtle as possible to pass him up. When he finally gets the hint I make my way back towards the bar.

Not looking for a relationship and not really being into one night stands, I just need a stranger to dance with, someone easy going and fun.. and not making me feel like a fifth wheel.. or else I might as well go home.. but suddenly there he is tall, dark, and very handsome.

Of course I know who he is.. not personally but from his work.. but feeling rather bold with a bit of alcohol in my system, I tap him on the shoulder. "Hi there.. Do you want to dance ?" I say, as I lean up and put my lips close to his ear, my hand resting on his muscular arm.

He looks around, as if I could have been asking someone else, then his warm eyes focus on mine. "Me ?" He asked with something almost sounding like a little shock in his voice.

"Yes, you". I reply with a smile on my face. He answers my question by setting his almost empty beer down, grabbing my hand, and leading me to the dance floor.

He really is handsome, the dark hair swept back a bit, just starting to curl at the top. He seems to be growing a beard back, sporting a heavy stubble. The short sleeved navy button down is just tight enough to make me want to have a look underneath. The fitted jeans too.. which is not how I normally think the first time I meet a man.

One of the girls I came here with, walks by.. she gives me a thumbs up and leaning in to whisper. "Oh he is hot Lulu".

"Oh so it's Lulu ?" He asks. And well I know this is only going to be this, a bit of fun and dancing, so I nod. Lulu is something my.. Well, not really friends, but people I know sparsely, call me. I actually don't really care for it, but I accept it.

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