Chapter 2

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I had calculus and history and I was waiting for Emmitt by his locker for free period.

It had been 5 minutes and everyone had gone to their classes and I was still waiting.

"Waiting for someone?" A deep voice says from beside me, I snap my head to the side to see who it was and it was one of the asshole badboys.

"Yeah, my boyfriend." I say before looking back down at my phone.

"Emmitt Bolton right?"

"Yeah... that's him." I furrow my eyebrows together in confusion.

"He must be a pretty shitty boyfriend if he's left you waiting around." He says nonchalantly.

"He's not a-" I let out a sigh before continuing "why do you care anyway?"

"Brendan, are you coming or what?" Someone shouts from the bottom of the corridor.

"Wanna hang out Mackenzie, seeing as your 'boyfriend' couldn't be bothered to show up?"

"No I don't wanna hang out, and how do you know my name?"

"Everyone knows your name babe." He says with a smirk before walking off down the corridor, "I'll see you around?"

I don't reply but I instead walk off down the corridor.

It was finally lunch time and I hadn't heard from Emmitt since this morning. I was slightly annoyed about being stood up by my own boyfriend but It wasn't the first time.

5 minutes into lunch, I realised that there was cheer practice so I practically ran to the changing rooms not wanting to be shouted at my Lindsay.

"Look who decided to show up." Lindsay said as she ties her shoe laces, already fully dressed in her cheer outfit.

"I'm only 5 minutes late." I roll my eyes before quickly getting dress and going out to the field. I notice Emmitt and the rest of the football team practicing at the far end of the field.

"Kenz!" Lindsay shouted and I walked over to them.

During practice, I was not with it. I wasn't in time with anyone and I kept spacing out.

"Kenzie what's wrong?" Lindsay asked me, pulling me to the side.

"Nothing, I'm just thinking about this competition and in free period today-"

"Hey ladies." Emmitt said, approaching us with one of his friends.

"Hey Emmitt." Lindsay said a little too flirty for my liking. Emmitt smirked in reply biting his lip before double looking me and widening his eyes.

"Hi babe." He lent in for a kiss but I took a step back and crossed my arms. The rest of the cheer team were whispering amongst each other looking in our direction.

"What's wrong babe?"

"Don't babe me Emmitt. I don't know what's up with you but you're not acting like my boyfriend." I quickly turn on my heel before walking towards the changing rooms to grab my stuff. I didn't bother changing into my normal clothes so I just stuffed everything into my sports bag and headed out towards my locker.

I wasn't upset I was just angry. How dare he go and forget about me then flirt with my best friend before acting like nothing ever happened.

As I turned the corner, I crashed into a hard figure making me fall back slightly. I look up to see Ryder.

"Watch where you're going, jerk." I say, getting my anger out on him.

"Watch where I'm going? I think you were meant to say 'i'm sorry'."

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