Chapter 14

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When I got home I saw my parents sat at the table in the dining room and my brother stood, leaning against the wall.

"Mackenzie Thomson. Come here now." My father bellowed and my eyes widened.

"Yes dad?"

"Tim told us about what you're getting up to."

I stared at Tim, with my eyes wide in shock.

"Sneaking out to go to parties, getting drunk, doing drugs, going off with boys!" My mom shouted at me, "It's unacceptable."

"Wh-" I paused "What?! I don't do any of those things." I cross my arms and look at my disappointed parents.

"We're going to have to ground you Mackenzie. You need to focus on studying."

I huffed before storming off upstairs. I could tell my parents about all the shit my brother had gone up to but I decided not too seeing as I could use that against him for another time.

I locked my door behind me and sat on my bed, pulling out my phone. I saw a message from Amy and I opened immediately.

Amy: I'm going to a college party but none of my friends want to come with me because they're scared. Care to join me?

I smiled at the message.

I would love to but I'm grounded... and it's a school night.

Amy: Damn?! I heard you were a rebel though? C'mon, live up to your name.

Fine. Pick me up?

Amy: Sure, I'll be there at 7

I would get in so much trouble if my parents found out so I needed luck on my side tonight.

I picked out a red bandeau top and black high waisted skinny jeans, leaving it till later to put it on.

"Kenz, can I come in?" Tim said from behind my door and I opened it a crack to look at him.

"What do you want. Snake."

"I only told on you to protect you."

"Good one." I rolled my eyes before going to close my door but Tim stuck his foot out and stopped it from closing.

"I mean it when I say Ryder and Brendan are bad people. Please listen to me Mackenzie.."

I sighed before lying "Okay, you're only trying to protect me. I get it. Tell mom and dad not to bother me. I'm going to study for the rest of the night."

He nodded before I closed the door. Idiot. I smiled at my success before putting on my clothes.

I went into the bathroom, putting on my makeup whilst dancing to some old tunes I found on my spotify. I straightened my hair - nearly burning myself twice and then sprayed some of my favorite perfume.

Amy: Outside

I got out on my balcony, grabbing a key and climbing down the tree.

"Seriously?" Amy laughed as I got in her car.

"What?" I smiled.

"Climbing out of your window?"

"I mean, I don't wanna get caught." I shrugged and Amy chuckled slightly before driving odd.

  • ••

When we got to the party, I was surprised to see so many people fit into the frat house.

"It's time to party!" Amy said as we got out of her car.

"How did you get invited anyway?" I ask her as we walk towards the manic.

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